10th Annual Right Whale Festival

Defenders of Wildlife
Wild Without End
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2018

November 3rd was the 10th annual Right Whale Festival in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. We had a fantastic turnout at the festival (8,000–9,000 visitors) and at the Defenders of Wildlife booth. Everyone that I spoke with expressed their concern about the right whales and the fact that not a single calf has been spotted in 2018. I handed out hundreds of information sheets and people were eager to learn about the plight of the right whales.

Throughout the day people came by to tell me how much they appreciate and support Defenders of Wildlife and the work they do to support our wildlife and their environment. We truly have wonderful people who care and we will need each and every one of them to save and protect the endangered right whale from entanglements, ship strikes and habitat loss.

One of the things I enjoy the most at this festival is all of the children and how knowledgeable they are about the right whales and how much they care. I had several children tell me that they want to become a biologists when they grow up so they can protect the right whale and other endangered wildlife. We had hundreds of children coloring whale tails and showing their support to protect these wonderful whales which gives me hope that future generations will continue the fight and never give up because each and every one of us can make a difference.


