Survey Shines Spotlight on Government’s Treatment of Science

Defenders of Wildlife
Wild Without End
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2018
Amanda Horvath, USFWS, releasing an adult male Blue-winged Teal

Federal scientists are being surveyed about the current status of scientific integrity across federal agencies. Given the Trump administration’s abysmal treatment of science, this survey is a crucial step in knowing what’s happening within federal agencies. Defenders partners closely with scientists across multiple agencies, including U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (@NOAA), U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service. Their unrestricted ability to carry out and share robust science ensures our joint success in conserving imperiled species. The survey is being run by the Union of Concerned Scientists(UCS) and Iowa State University.

Russell Reardon removes a large derelict fishing net from the reef at Midway Atoll (NOAA)

Our colleagues at UCS have shared that response rates among the 63,000 surveyed federal scientists are extremely low. This is deeply concerning but no surprise given rumors of the Administration’s culture of non-disclosure and anti-science actions. We strongly encourage federal scientists to take the survey — this is a chance to anonymously share your experiences about current problems inhibiting your work! If you aren’t a federal scientist but know one, please encourage them to complete the survey.

USFWS scientists working on fish diversions

Scientists will have until the morning of March 26, 2018 to complete the survey. More information can be found on the survey on the UCS blog and the FAQ.


