What makes a good or bad designer?

Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2016


A good designer keeps simple things simple and makes complex things possible. They always refactor code to make it simpler and better. A bad designer ignores consequences in their design updates.

A good designer knows how to define the goals of their product. They think about the growth of a product when working through a problem. A good designer takes the time to research and understand the problem they’re trying to solve. They think of their design and code with a long term and large scale view. A bad designer only focuses on the way things look. They put personal UI preferences above the user’s needs. A bad designer can often be heard saying, “they just don’t get it.”

A good designer is aware of all the trends in the world of design, but not limited by them, and can be original. They have a broad knowledge in many fields with an intense focus on design and front-end development. A bad designer fails to keep track of emerging best practices and technology. They ignore the style guides and conventions of their company or client.

A good designer is open to collaborate with anyone on the team. They work with the customer success team to understand the needs of customers. They work with developers to ensure nothing gets lost in translation during implementation. They keep development limitations in mind but work with developers to overcome them if needed. A good designer cares about performance. A bad designer takes criticism personally. They are afraid of feedback from customers or their team because it might be too negative or disrupt their process.

A good designer iterates and adapts a design based off their own standards of quality and feedback. A bad designer thinks their work is done before they share it with the team. They make hotfixes instead of solving long-term issues. A good designer always keeps users in mind when they work. They make sure new UI and code is consistent with the rest of the application. A bad designer doesn’t test their work against different use cases and states. They elevate form to the detriment of function.

Originally published at wildbit.com on April 7, 2016.




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