Trying to Find Myself on Day 31 of Quarantine

How I’m struggling to spark my inner passion after a month of isolation.

Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
7 min readApr 12, 2020


Copyright Yael Wolfe

Today is April 11, 2020. It has been a full month since I went into quarantine. On March 10th, I was at my sister’s house, taking care of her five older kids while she and her husband were out of town at the children’s hospital with Baby Alex for another round of tests.

When they got home, I held Alex for a long time while he strummed at my fingers, still woozy from the anesthesia he’d been given. Then I went home, exhausted, feeling sick from allergies, and ready to get back to my usual routine.

The next day, they announced that someone in our county had tested positive for COVID-19. Suspecting the grocery store would get wiped out, I quickly ran there to buy enough fresh veggies to get me through the next week. But I soon discovered that what was coming was nothing I could’ve anticipated. And soon after that, I realized that life would not go back to normal anytime soon.

In the beginning, I was hoping I could rely on my creativity to get me through this time. I imagined working on my book about sexuality. Trying to learn the guitar again. Planting flower beds in my yard. Painting.



Y.L. Wolfe
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