We Will Not Be Tamed

Let’s bust out of these cages and roam free, like we were meant to do

Y.L. Wolfe


Photo by Jasper Graetsch on Unsplash

When I was a little girl, I was a wild child, as many little girls are. I hadn’t been domesticated yet, so I was able to enjoy doing whatever I wanted.

As the oldest child in my family, I was alone for a few years, and during my sister’s infancy, I had to find older playmates. I was drawn to male friends back then — I saw the freedom they had, their audacity, their sense of adventure and ambition. And I wanted it.

I climbed trees, got dirty, ripped my pants at the knees, ran as fast as I could, and spit watermelon seeds into the grass when my mother wasn’t looking. It was glorious.

I tried not to succumb to all the adults admonishing me to act more like a lady and stop trying to be so much like the boys. What was wrong with the boys?, I wondered. Why shouldn’t I want to be like them?

Unfortunately, by first grade, I was already feeling the expectations of those around me really press in on me. I started spending more time with female friends — and one, in particular. Her name was Alison. She lived just down the street from me and was an only child.

I climbed trees, got dirty, ripped my pants at the knees, ran as fast as I…



Y.L. Wolfe

Gender-curious, solosexual, perimenopausal, childless crone-in-training. | Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gleDcD | Email: welcome@yaelwolfe.com