Diablo 4 — tips from the front line

(every few days, we’ll share some neat tips we’ve picked up while playing)

(D) Kai Wilson-Viola
2 min readJun 6, 2023


While today is the official launch of Diablo 4, I’ve been playing the preview for the last few days, and I’m really quite impressed with the game. It’s not all been smooth sailing, but I didn’t expect it to be.
I thought I’d share a couple of quick tips today, because I’m sure everyone’s just getting into it that’s going to play.

Rogues are squishy — though that could be me

I discovered, pretty early on that my partner — playing a druid — was dying dar less than me (though, to be fair, that’s pretty common, no matter the game we’re playing. I’m infamous for dying while playing games, it gets on my nerves). But I think it was to do with my build. I discovered, late into our session last night that some items were giving me some skills — my helm, blade and bow at that point — so I rebuilt my skills around them. I think this is a hint for later — we’ll build our skills around our kit, which is exciting. When I worked that out, and focused into skills, instead of having a range to fight with, I died less.

The ‘faded plaque’ statues

We came across some statues with faded plaques. If you encounter them, look at the word in capitals, and emote with the thing matching it. (Your E menu). So far, we’ve only found the one that allows us to ‘taunt’, but it gives you a temporary buff. Today though, I found this one… So there are different plaques, with different buffs.

Image Credit — Blizzard (Diablo 4)

Gold and Obols

Gold seems to be shared across characters, which is interesting. As are Obols, and you can only carry 500 of the Obols, which are exchanged (a bit like Blood shards in Diablo 3) at the curiosity vendor for items like Whispering Keys (for silent chests), and to get a chance at nice or not so nice kit at random.

With the launch of Diablo 4, we’ll be putting our articles behind the Medium Members paywall, but we’ll also be offering a roundup on Substack so you can see if you want to read them this week. Want to sign up?
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(D) Kai Wilson-Viola

Corraler, cajoler, creator and collator of symbols. Biohazard tattoo'd - contents hazardous to biologicals - #Nanowrimo ML and #bipolar