The Natural Alternative to Accutane

Lara Cattlin


“Don’t worry, this acne treatment has been known to cause birth defects. You’re not pregnant, so it doesn’t matter.”

After years of believing that I was just creating acne due to obsessive compulsive skin picking, I decided it was time to find out.

“Well, you wouldn’t be picking if there wasn’t something to pick at.” Hearing those words from my general doctor felt good but that little gem of information took years to sink in.

Finally, today was the day to go to see the dermatologist. It was exciting, but I also figured that they wouldn’t be able to make my skin look like that of a Brazilian supermodel’s. Still, best to give it a try.

“Do you just want to get rid it?” My dermatologist asks. Of course I did.

As I thumbed through the massive pile of paperwork, the warnings and the schedule of blood tests I would need to take, I started to feel like Accutane was a bit scary.

I didn’t want to find myself in a decade from now, calling one of those “If you’ve been affected by… Call the law offices of…” I wanted to find another way, a natural way.

What causes hormonal acne?

Hormonal acne pops up (and dominates your life) due to fluctuations of hormones. For women, it doesn’t have to appear just before or around your period, but that’s when many find that it gets worse. For men, hormonal acne also changes with the balance of hormones. This post is for anyone who is experiencing hormonal acne.

Testosterone causes your skin to emit oil/sebum to lubricate your follicles and stop your skin legit turning into leather.

An imbalance or testosterone leads to an overproduction of oil.

So, you’ve got all this extra oil, which then leads to blocked pores and bacteria. You’ll get blackheads, whiteheads, boils, and all sorts of stuff due to this perfect storm.

You need something that keeps your hormones and oil balanced.

The Magic Pill

It took an incredible amount of digging and validating, but I finally found a natural way out.

DIM is that natural remedy. Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a phytonutrients found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. It has shown to regulate estrogen and testosterone in both men and women.

Unlike potential permanent acne fix, Accutane, DIM isn’t just one and done. Like I said, all magic comes with a cost. But this one doesn’t sound half as bad.

Here’s a link to the DIM supplement I’ve been using:

Before & After

What else can DIM do?

DIM cleared up my skin in a matter of weeks, but it could also have some other added benefits:

  • Shown to slow some cancer cells
  • Lowers toxins produced by your body’s natural metabolism
  • Boosts antioxidants
  • Promotes weight loss via more efficient fat metabolism
  • Enhanced memory
  • Improved mood
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced PMS symptoms
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Promotes good muscle development
  • Improves prostate health for men

Although this isn’t medical advice, it is something I’ve personally lived through and been absolutely astonished by. I hope this helps you too.

If you’re looking for more tips and tricks on natural alternatives, check out my blog at

