Wildlife and Photography

Breakfast with Beaver

Industrious beavers are a joy to watch, even in town

Randy Runtsch
Wildlife Trekker
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2021


Beaver. Photo by the author.

A good thing happened on the way to the duck pond the other day. I spotted a beaver.

On most days, after breakfast, I ride my bike to a local park or pond. There, I hike and photograph birds. It has almost become a ritual.

Beaver. Photo by the author.

But on this day, halfway to the duck pond, I glanced to the right. There, in a small pond, a beaver floated among the reeds. The pond is well within city limits.

Beaver. Photo by the author.

Beavers are nocturnal. They are also crepuscular, meaning that they are active in twilight.

Beavers are the second largest rodents in the world, after capybaras. Their head and body can be as long as 47 inches, and their tail 19.7 inches. Adults weigh between 24 and 66 pounds. Because of their sturdy build, beavers can carry heavy loads.



Randy Runtsch
Wildlife Trekker

Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer