A future queen? Better zoomed in. ©Ian Hanson

Carpenter Ants, the Victims of Poor Search Results

Researching a unique sighting of strange creatures leads me to question Google’s results.

Ian Hanson
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2022


I wrote that title, because the number one result on Google when researching carpenter ants is ‘How to Get Rid of Black Carpenter Ants’.

Refusing to believe they are simply a species to get rid of, here’s what I found and how I came to care.

I was on a journey to complete the last big section of the Superior Hiking Trail, in Minnesota.

I had stopped at East Lake Agnes, a beautiful, beautiful spot. So much so that I jotted it down in my guidebook, a reference I one day hoped I might find and remember to return.

Once I had set my far-too-heavy pack down, I explored.

There, on the tree behind me, was a black mass of shimmering movement. I drew closer, hesitantly, uncertain.

How many do you see? A fun game to play with children in nature. ©Ian Hanson

Carpenter ant species reside both outdoors and indoors in moist, decaying, or hollow wood, most commonly in forest environments.

