Birds, Nature, Beauty, and Photography

Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

Persistence, practice, and patience pay off and produce good luck

Randy Runtsch
Wildlife Trekker


Northern Cardinal. © Randy Runtsch.

Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush.
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
So early in the morning.

— Lines from an English nursery rhyme and singing game

Did you sing or play “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush” as a child? I remember playing the game in kindergarten.

Cedar Waxwings feasting on mulberries. © Randy Runtsch.

In the past 23 days, I have taken 18 birdwatching walks through the historic Decatur Cemetery in northern Georgia. Each time I entered the graveyard, I passed by a mulberry tree.

Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak. © Randy Runtsch.

But until early this morning, I never noticed a bird in the tree. I paid no attention to the tree itself.

Eastern Bluebird. © Randy Runtsch.

When I arrived, several dozen Cedar Waxwings flew in and out of the tree’s foliage. Each one feasted on a mulberry before it flew away, only to be replaced by another bird, or two, or three.

Northern Mockingbird. © Randy Runtsch. © Randy Runtsch.

Eventually, the perfect-looking Cedar Waxwings flew away. One at a time, they were replaced by a Northern Cardinal, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and an Eastern Bluebird.

American Robin. © Randy Runtsch.

Nearby, a Northern Mockingbird and an American Robin perched on gravestones. The mockingbird flipped its tail up and down and spread its wings.

Brown Thrasher. © Randy Runtsch.

Finally, a Brown Thrasher landed in a tree, moving from branch to branch as it sang its songs. With over 1,000 song types, it has the largest song repertoire of all birds worldwide.

On my 18 visits to Decatur Cemetery, I have seen or heard between 15 and 41 distinct bird species. While this morning’s visit was not as productive regarding distinct species, it provided bountiful photogenic opportunities.

Five days remain before I leave Georgia and return to Minnesota. Before I depart, I plan to take several more walks around Decatur Cemetery. Each time, I will stop, wait, and listen by the mulberry tree.

This morning’s outing further solidified my belief that luck is more made than the result of chance. In this case, persistence, practice, and patience paid off.

Copyright © 2024 Randy Runtsch. All rights reserved.

Northern Mockingbird with a juniper berry in its bill. © Randy Runtsch.



Randy Runtsch
Wildlife Trekker

Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer