Glossy Ibis
© Dennett ~ Thursday, March 17, 2022 — Sweetwater Wetlands Park — Glossy Ibis

Bird Photography

The Thrill of New Birds

A birding story

Published in
5 min readMar 21, 2022


On St. Patrick’s Day, my friend Gina and I went birding at one of my favorite local parks — Sweetwater Wetlands Park.

We always find lots of wildlife there, but Thursday was a stellar birding day! Not only did we see some of my favorite birds, including the elusive Limpkin, but we saw two birds that neither of us had seen before.

One was a Glossy Ibis. His sable-brown feathers were striking against the sunlit greenery of the wetlands.

Glossy Ibis
© Dennett ~ Thursday, March 17, 2022 — Sweetwater Wetlands Park — Glossy Ibis

There are three types of ibis in Florida: the very common American White Ibis and the less common White-Faced Ibis and Glossy Ibis. I still haven’t seen a White-Faced but I can now check off Glossy Ibis from my Birds to See list.

Based on the Cornell Lab’s All About Birds website, this Glossy is probably a non-breeding male. The breeding males are more colorful. But, if you look carefully, you can see touches of maroon, green, bronze, and even a little violet in this guy’s feathers.

Like all ibises, the Glossy is a wading bird that frequents shallow waters and muddy ponds and wetlands. They can also…



Wildlife Trekker

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.