Cowbirds, Birds, Wildlife, and Bird Photography

The Underappreciated Brown-headed Cowbird

Some birds get a bad rap, whether or not it is deserved

Randy Runtsch
Wildlife Trekker
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2022


Brown-headed Cowbird male ruffling his feathers in response to an apparent scolding form his mate.
Brown-headed Cowbird male ruffling his feathers in response to an apparent scolding form his mate. © 2022 Randy Runtsch.

The Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) is a blackbird who leaves the duties of childrearing to birds of other species. For some people, cowbirds have earned a bad reputation. But before we get into the details about cowbirds, here are other birds some people consider to be problems:

  • Canada Geese — It seems wherever there is a body of water, Canada Geese are present, whether in the country or in the city. Yes, they defecate on trails. Also, they chase people away, especially when they approach their goslings. But they are protecting their territory and offspring. In most cases, people and geese are compatible. Geese can be gentle to humans, too.
  • Crows — Crows are disliked by some people because they are scavengers. Others equate them with death because of mythology and their black plumage. But they are intelligent birds, live in close-knit groups, and clean up carrion.
  • Jays — Like crows, jays, including the Blue Jays where I live in the Upper Midwest of the U.S., are intelligent birds. They can dominate bird feeders. But they are beautiful blue creatures who warn other birds of danger. They can find…



Randy Runtsch
Wildlife Trekker

Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer