How to Write a Heroine’s Journey: toward an Ecofeminist Storycraft

On traditional storycraft, patriarchal conditioning, and how a woman might approach slaying the beast from a different angle.

Heather Jo Flores
Wild Women Writers


This essay was originally published as part of my MFA Thesis, in Spring of 2014

“The mystery of human destiny is not that we are fated, but that we have the freedom to fulfill or not fulfill our fate: realization of our fated destiny depends on us. While inhuman beings like the cockroach realize the entire cycle without going astray, because they make no choices.”
— Clarice Lispector, The Passion According to G.H. p. 129

“It may be that the human race is not ready for freedom. The air of liberty may be too rarefied for us to breathe…The paradox seems to be, as Socrates demonstrated long ago, that the truly free individual is free only to the extent of his own self-mastery. While those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find masters to govern over them.”
— Steven Pressfield, The War of Art, p. 37

Artwork by Heather Jo Flores

Humans love stories. No matter who you are, where you live, or what your life is all about, chances are you love to witness the transformation of a dynamic, willful protagonist. And the stories…



Heather Jo Flores
Wild Women Writers

Farmer by day, writer by night. #foodnotlawns #permaculturewomen #freepermaculture. FREE online classes and forums at