Can We Stop Judging New Homesteaders?

Something has been bothering me about how we treat new homesteaders.

Amanda Pieper
The Barefoot Farmsteader


Suffice it to say that I’m in a boatload of homesteading, farming, small business farming, and hobby farming groups on social media.

Normally, I just scroll around until something catches my eye. Most of the time, I stop at posts that show an animal in distress, because I’m worried about it, and I want to learn about the ailment.

I immediately scroll through the comments looking for answers. And I often do this because I, myself, do not know the answer or I have a solution to share.

No, I don’t know everything…not afraid to admit it. And no, it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be a farmer or own animals.

Because isn’t that what we often see as a response?

New and seasoned, homesteaders often get backlash, like the following responses, when they reach out on social media for advice.

1. New Homesteaders Have “No Business Owning Animals”

Right? You’ve seen this, I’m sure…and I certainly hope you haven’t said this to anyone looking for advice.

The thing is, yes, some people shouldn’t have animals, but something tells me that most who reach…

