How to Naturally Treat Goats for Lice and Mites

The horrible process that took a month to complete

Amanda Pieper
The Goat Barn


I’ve owned goats here and there throughout my life, and I’ve only recently fallen head-over-heels in love with them. In other words, I’m now committed to growing a healthy, beautiful, herd of Boer goats. So when goat lice showed up on my farm, I wanted to find a way to naturally treat goats for lice…if at all possible.

But here’s the thing…I make many mistakes when I add a new animal to my farm. Because no matter how much I read, nothing can hold a candle to real experience.

So when my goats got lice for the first time, I missed it. I didn’t notice until it was almost too late. And then the panic set in, phone calls were made, and way too much money was spent on trying to solve the problem.

Luckily, what I ended up doing worked, and my poor goats are on the upswing.

If you read my blog often, you’ll notice that I advocate for patience and tolerance for new homesteaders, and I ask the same from those who read my blog. Because my mistakes are honest mistakes, and if I can help others avoid them, then it’s worth sharing both successes and failures.

Ready to get the details?

How to Tell if Your Goats Have Lice (or…

