Mastering Angular: Understanding the Core Concepts

William Bastidas
9 min readJan 29, 2023

Welcome to the world of Angular! Have you ever wondered how one of the most popular web development tools in the world works? Well, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will take you on a journey to understand the key concepts of Angular and how they work together to make building web applications a breeze. From components, directives, modules, services, routing, data binding, and dependency injection to lifecycle events, decorators, and more, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get started with Angular.

Before we begin, it’s important to know that Angular is a JavaScript framework developed by Google, used for creating single-page web applications (SPA). This means that instead of loading a full page every time a link is clicked, Angular only loads the necessary components, allowing for a better user experience and faster load time.

What is Angular?

Angular is a complete development platform that allows developers to create web applications with a solid structure, rich user interface, and complex business logic. Angular uses TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript, and is based on a component architecture, allowing developers to divide an application into small reusable pieces. Angular also includes features such as routing, forms, validation, and services, making it easier to create complex applications.

What is a Component in Angular?

In Angular, components are the building blocks of an application. They are the fundamental units of an Angular application and are used to control the behavior and views of the application. Each component is a class that contains logic, styles, and a template.

The template is the view of the component, which defines the layout and structure of the component. It can contain HTML, CSS, and other Angular directives.

The class of the component contains the logic of the component. It is responsible for handling the data, events, and other functionalities of the component. The class can also include properties and methods that can be used in the template.

Components can also be nested, meaning that a component can include other components. This allows for better organization and reuse of code.

In addition, components can also communicate with each other through a mechanism called data binding. This allows for the flow of data between components, making it easier to manage and update the data of the application.

Overall, components are an essential part of Angular and provide a powerful way to structure and organize the code of an application.

What are Directives in Angular?

In Angular, directives are used to add behavior to an element in the template. Directives are used to extend the HTML language and give it new capabilities. They allow developers to create custom elements and attributes that can change the behavior and appearance of an element.

There are two types of directives in Angular: structural and attribute.

Structural directives change the structure of the DOM by adding, removing, or manipulating elements. They are identified by an asterisk (*) prefix, such as *ngFor and *ngIf.

Attribute directives, on the other hand, change the appearance or behavior of an element. They are identified by a square bracket ([]) prefix, such as [ngClass] and [ngModel].

Directives can also receive input and output properties, which allow the directive to communicate with the component and other directives.

Directives are a powerful feature of Angular and can be used to create reusable and custom elements that can simplify the development process and improve the maintainability of an application.

Overall, directives are an essential part of Angular and provide a powerful way to extend the HTML language and add custom behavior to elements in the template.

What is a Module in Angular?

In Angular, modules are used to organize the application and its components, services, and other parts. A module is a container for a group of related components, directives, pipes, and services.

Modules are used to separate the application into smaller, manageable pieces, known as feature modules. Each feature module typically corresponds to a specific feature or functionality of the application, such as user management or product management.

Modules also allow for lazy loading, which means that parts of the application are only loaded when they are needed. This improves the performance and the load time of the application.

The main module of the application, known as the root module, is responsible for bootstrapping the application and providing the main entry point to the application.

Modules in Angular also provide a way to share services and other resources across the application. Services and other resources can be declared at the module level and then be imported and used by components or other modules.

Overall, modules are an important part of Angular and provide a way to organize and structure the application and its components, services, and other parts. They also provide a way to enable lazy loading and sharing resources across the application.

What are services in Angular?

In Angular, services are used to encapsulate and share functionality across the application. A service is a class that contains methods and properties that can be used by multiple components or other parts of the application. Services are typically used for tasks such as data access, logging, and business logic.

Services in Angular are typically stateless, meaning they do not have any internal state and can be used by multiple parts of the application without interfering with each other. They can also be injected into components, directives, pipes, and other services using Angular’s dependency injection system.

One of the main advantages of services is that they can be easily shared across the application, which helps to keep the code organized and easy to maintain. They can also be unit-tested independently of the components that use them.

Overall, services in Angular are an essential part of the framework and are used to encapsulate and share functionality across the application. They help to keep the code organized, easy to maintain, and testable.

What is Angular Routing?

Routing in Angular is the process of navigating between different views or pages within an application. It allows you to define specific URLs for different parts of the application, and it automatically updates the view based on the current URL.

The Angular router is a powerful and flexible tool that allows you to easily create Single Page Applications (SPAs) with multiple views. It uses a declarative approach for defining routes, which makes it easy to understand and maintain.

To use routing in an Angular application, you first need to import the RouterModule and Routes from the @angular/router module. Then, you define an array of routes, where each route consists of a path and a component to be displayed when the path is navigated to.

You can also use parameters in the path to pass data to the component. For example, you can define a route with a path of /product/:id and use the id parameter to display details about a specific product.

Once the routes are defined, you need to configure the router by adding the RouterModule to the imports array of the @NgModule decorator, and add a <router-outlet> element in the template where the component should be displayed.

In addition, you can use the routerLink directive to create links that navigate to specific routes, and the router.navigate() method to programmatically navigate to a route.

Overall, routing in Angular is a powerful and flexible tool that allows you to easily create SPAs with multiple views and handle navigation within an application. It uses a declarative approach for defining routes, and allows you to pass data to components using parameters in the path.

What is Dependency injection in Angular?

Dependency injection is a design pattern in Angular that allows developers to write less code, make their code more readable, and improve the testability of their applications.

It works by injecting instances of services and other dependencies into components, directives, and other parts of the application, rather than having those parts create the instances themselves.

This allows for better separation of concerns and makes it easier to swap out one implementation of a service for another. With dependency injection, you can also easily mock dependencies during testing and improve overall maintainability of the application.

What is Data Binding in Angular?

Data binding is a feature in Angular that allows for the synchronization of data between the component class and the template. It allows you to bind properties and events of a component to elements in the template, making it easy to update the view when the component’s data changes. Angular supports several types of data binding, including:

  • Interpolation: This allows you to display the value of a component’s property in the template by wrapping it in double curly braces {{property}}.
  • Property binding: This allows you to bind a component’s property to an element’s property by using square brackets [property].
  • Event binding: This allows you to bind a component’s method to an element’s event by using round brackets (event).
  • Two-way binding: This allows you to bind a component’s property to an element’s property and vice versa using the ngModel directive.

Data binding in Angular makes it easy to keep the view and component’s data in sync, and eliminates the need for manual DOM manipulation which results in more efficient and maintainable code.

What is a Decorator in Angular?

A decorator in Angular is a way to add metadata to a class, property, or method. It allows developers to attach additional behavior to an existing class without modifying its original code.

Decorators in Angular are implemented using the “@” symbol followed by the decorator’s name. They are used to add functionality such as component, directive, and service metadata to a class.

They also can be used to create custom decorators which can be applied to specific parts of your application. They are a powerful feature that allows for greater flexibility and modularity in your code.

What are Lifecycle events in Angular?

Life cycle events in Angular refer to a series of methods that are called at specific points during the lifecycle of a component or directive. These methods are automatically invoked by Angular and provide a way for developers to add custom logic at certain points during the creation, update and destruction of a component. Some common life cycle events include ngOnInit, which is called after the component’s constructor, and ngOnDestroy, which is called just before the component is destroyed.

Another example is ngAfterViewInit, which is called after the component’s view and its child views are initialized, and ngDoCheck, which is called when Angular checks a component’s bindings. Understanding and utilizing these life cycle events can help you better control and optimize the behavior of your components.


In conclusion, Angular is a powerful development tool that allows developers to create web applications with a solid structure, rich user interface, and complex business logic.

Angular’s component-based architecture, directives, modules, services, routing, forms, validation, and dependency injection, as well as lifecycle events, make it easier for developers to create complex applications.

I hope this article has given you a good overview of the concepts that Angular has to offer, and that you feel more confident in using it to develop your next web application. Remember, with Angular, the possibilities are endless! So go forth and create something amazing!

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William Bastidas

Developer | Web | Mobile | Ionic | TypeScript | JavaScript | Angular | UI | UX | Git | Html | CSS | Agile | Frontend | PWA. Always in Learning mode…