Indie Restaurants Are Killing It

Katie McCaskey
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2017

Market your business effectively with a new service.

“Independent restaurants are killing it,” reports Nation’s Restaurant News.

Citing the foodservice consulting firm Pentallect Inc., NRN notes a confluence of consumer trends that yield a preference for independent, chef-driven restaurants. Indie restaurants outscored franchises in 12 of the 15 attributes studied. One reason cited? The one-of-a-kind atmospheres these establishments offer.

From Chicken Wings to Kale Smoothies

Independent restaurants and their owners wield uniquely powerful position in the market. While branding themselves, they shape the perception of the neighborhood in which they operate — making them literal tastemakers on the plate and plaza.

The success of an independent restaurant is a reflection of the neighborhood in which it resides. As Sophie Eagen writes in Devoured: From Chicken Wings to Kale Smoothies — How What We Eat Defines Who We Are, patrons flock to establishments that signal their social beliefs and values. Independent restaurants can more effectively serve diners who identify as proud vegans or passionate locavores, for example. Increasingly, the public chooses dining activity as an extension of self-expression.

In this context, how you market your business matters. Restaurant marketing must focus first on hospitality. Marketing requires owners to understand the emotional connection they are selling alongside their entrees. A strong, positive emotional connection encourages loyalty, and in turn, sales growth.

What willu Brings to the Table

willu is a messaging service that allows restaurant owners to maximize their relationships with customers, which, in turn, builds stronger businesses. Any size restaurateur can benefit, whether they operate a brick-and-mortar restaurant or a food truck.

How does it work? First, you choose and reserve a hashtag. Your hashtag could be your personal or business name, such as “#GeorgeBowers” or, your the name of a process or other specialty, such as “#RawBarShack.

Next, instruct your patrons to follow your hashtag by texting your hashtag to 94558 (willu). Promote your willu hashtag anywhere you currently promote your business — even on your menu!

Now you can send all of your hashtag followers direct messages. It’s totally customizable because you get to determine which groups of people get a particular update. Send messages that educate patrons about to your restaurant’s mission to really stand out and build loyalty.

For example, let’s imagine you own an oyster bar and have the willu hashtag #RawBarShack.

One reason you started Raw Bar Shack was to support the Chesapeake Bay. You know that oysters are a large part of the environmental reclamation process, and oysters provide jobs for local fisherman. You might want to set up a series of updates that explain why you love the region, how the oysters help restore the Bay, and how you select oysters for your restaurant. All of these updates reveal a story behind the menu. That’s a far more compelling story than run-of-the-mill Red Lobster!

Use your willu hashtag to send one-to-many updates, to notify all of your patrons about a special event. Or, use your willu hashtag to have one-to-one conversations regarding reservations or dietary requests. Messages go straight to your customers’ phones and, because they are a text message, have a 98+% open rate compared to other communication options.

How is willu is different than group texting? It starts with an emphasis on privacy. You don’t want your personal number distributed to all of your patrons and many patrons aren’t comfortable giving a phone number or email address to a restaurant. willu solves both problems and allows conversations to follow easily.

Tell your restaurant’s story, explain the passions you have for your food, and build a business of loyal patrons with a willu hashtag. Reserve yours today and keep killing it!

