Changemakers: #TakeAction on What Matters to You

Michael Dabrowski
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2017

Do you help a specific charity raise funds and awareness? Are you involved with creating change, in any of its forms?

If so, your to-do list likely rife with tactics on how to bring people together for a common purpose.

At a minimum, your outreach strategy should include initiatives related to:

  • Raising funds or awareness through donations and messaging.
  • Adding to your network people who support your mission.
  • Leveraging your current following.
  • Coming up with innovative ways to creatively engage those who aren’t aware of your issues.

Let’s help find effective strategies that connect your cause with the interested and uninitiated public.

willu is a hashtag messaging service that makes your message stronger.

With a willu hashtag, you can:

  • Share information with interested individuals. For example, you can remind supporters of tactical initiatives by keeping them in the loop with SMS updates.
  • Interact with those who realize the importance of the issues. Go deeper and keep them engaged. Talk to many. Chat with a small group. Have a one-on-one. Nurture relationships on your own terms.
  • Build your mission by growing your targeted, awareness campaigns. Sustainably grow a loyal base by focusing on the individuals that want to hear your take on things.

And it’s free to reserve your version of #TheCityCampaign or #TakeActionNow.

#message with purpose to make a meaningful difference.

Reserve your willu hashtag.

(We’ll be with you every step of the way.)

