WINBIX has registered the copyright under the Berne Convention.

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2 min readNov 22, 2018

Copyright determines legal relations which are connected to creation and using (publication, performance, showing, etc.) of scientific works — objective work products of people’s creative activity. The Berne Convention is the basis of international intellectual property legislation. Originally it had been intended only for published works in the area of science and art. But this list was complemented and refined with each edition. It was due to the development of technologies and the occurrence of new forms of creativity. Nowadays fast-growing IT-area requires special attention to the appropriate protection of intellectual property rights.
The result of Winbix team’s work is registered with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. The rights to the marketplace are valid in 175 countries worldwide and this fact distinguishes copyright from the patent law because patent law is always area-based and operates only in the country where the patent was issued (for instance, only in Russia).
The Berne Convention has always had and still has a huge impact on the development of international legislation in the area of intellectual property protection, it protects the interests of authors around the world and, what’s more, it also establishes international mandatory standards for the protection of copyright.



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We introduce you an official account of “Winbix” system, which allows you to sell goods at the demand price at any time. #winbix #wbx #marketplace