Withdrawal from the Project at PreDAICO stage.

Published in
1 min readJun 14, 2019

On the expiration of 45 days upon PreDAICO finish, any holder of tokens purchased through PreDAICO procedure shall have unconditional rights to return the tokens to PreDAICO smart contract (withdraw from the Project).
Only PreDAICO purchased tokens (tokens
obtained due to marketing programmes cannot be returned to PreDAICO smart contract) of the holders who passed through KYC can be returned.
If any token purchased through PreDAICO is removed to another wallet (other than the crediting wallet), it will not be possible to return the token to PreDAICO smart contract.
The funds are returned in ETH, and the returned tokens are destroyed.
❗️IMPORTANT ❗️ Please note that the investor’s share is determined subject to the number of purchased tokens, notwithstanding the purchase price.



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