You can’t stay straight once the stoners in the room fire up

Fire It Up, Bro

Invasion of the Pot Monsters

Phillip T Stephens
Wind Eggs
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2024


Weed sniper lurking in weed fields
Source image by Freepik

Breaking News: Starting Monday, April 22, Wind Eggs will move to Wind Eggs on Substack. As much as I’ve enjoyed writing for Medium readers, the paywall policies are too restrictive. I’m currently averaging 10 cents a story. I will earn more each month with one subscriber on Substack than for all my writing here. I will keep posting here and at The Haven, but with less and less frequency, and most of it will appear on Substack first. I will provide a lot more content to paid subscribers than I do here. If you want to keep up with my political satire now on The Haven, five times weekly (sometimes more) flash fiction, and my new section Righteous Indigestion: Musings of a BPK (Baptist preacher’s kid) plus occasional serious journalism, you can access it all for $5 monthly.

…continued from yesterday

In yesterday’s episode, scientists placed NASA exobiologist Indica Reef in quarantine to study the strange flowering fungus spreading across her body. A flowering fungus propagated by experimenting with (imbibing) a strange alien weed growing on the dead astronaut Bud Marley. Dr. Endo Toker discovered the alien weed causes an incurable alien cancer. It also gives patients insatiable munchies

