New discoveries always come with a downside

High Strain

Invasion of the Pot Monsters

Phillip T Stephens
Wind Eggs
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2024


Scientist’s body covered with weed buds
Source image by Kamran Aydinov

…continued from yesterday

In yesterday’s episode, the USS Doobie appeared in earth’s orbit after a four-year disappearance. Only Captain Bud Marley remained on board, but he was dead. The ship’s logs revealed Marley imbibed an alien space weed and consumed the remaining crew when he got the munchies.

NONE OF NASA’S SCIENTISTS could determine how Bud Marley, captain of the USS Doobie, the first ship to leave the solar system, died. What happened to the other three members of his crew? No mystery. Marley consumed an alien space weed, got the munchies, and snacked on the others.

Even more mysterious? The green fungus that continued to grow on Marley’s arm even though the astronaut had expired. Without NASA’s official knowledge, Dr. Indica Reef, chief exobiologist, amputated the arm and kept it in an isolation tank, feeding it with blood to see what would happen.

At first, nothing happened. The fungus multiplied but exhibited no malign effects on the underlying flesh. Reef prepared to discard the limb as medical waste when inspiration struck. She mixed the blood supply with chlorophyll and monitored the effects, adjusted the mix, added controlled lighting, and videotaped the growth…

