If you ride into the sunset, make sure you can find your way back

Into the Sunset

Texas Small Tales

Phillip T Stephens
Wind Eggs
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2024


Possums hang above tombstone
Source image by Quora

…continued from yesterday

TRUTH BE TOLD, the Famished Longhorn ranch hands would’ve dropped Dimebox Dan down the well and left him to drown, but for one thing. The old prospector, Geezer Pan struck oil while digging for gold. He bought the ranch and told everyone the orphan he’d dropped off years before would one day run the entire outfit. He warned the hands to train Dan well if they wanted to keep their jobs.

But training Dan proved harder than they ever imagined, given Dan’s desire to take a nap whenever presented with a new challenge. You heard how cowboys’d call someone they respect “aces high?” The hands called Dan “deuces low.”

When they could wake Dan from his nap and persuade him to try a new chore, the addle-headed bellyacher set things all acock. He couldn’t split wood, cut hay, muck stalls, or toss a lasso. If he shot at a bottle, he hit the barn. If he shot at the barn, he hit a tree. If he shot at a tree, he hit the bottle, but not hard enough to knock it off the fence.

Training Dan proved harder than they ever imagined, given Dan’s desire to take a nap whenever presented with a…

