Does killer weed cause killer munchies?

Pickles With Pie

Invasion of the Pot Monsters

Phillip T Stephens
Wind Eggs
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2024


Pizza with pepperoni, pickles, and cannabis buds
Source image by Freepik

…continued from yesterday

In yesterday’s episode, readers learned that NASA exobiologist Indica Reef discovered an alien strain of marijuana she called “Godfather OG Killer Supreme,” which won her acclaim and a cover on the magazine High Times. However, consumption of the strain produced a strange fungus on her arm. We join Indica in the NASA quarantine ward. Doctors and scientists have no clue how to treat her.

INDICA REEF TOSSED THE LATEST ISSUE of High Times to the foot of her bed. “From hero to goat between two fucking issues.” The mysterious fungus they’d first discovered on astronaut Bud Marley’s arm had spread across her chest and down to her abdomen. A bookshelf filled with mason jars sat next to her bed, and the wastebasket in the corner flowed over with discarded pizza boxes and wrappers from Taco Bell.

Her boyfriend, NASA astrophysicist Thurgood Baker, sat on a couch across the room. NASA allowed the two to visit since the organization had quarantined both of them. The same green fungus covered Baker’s left arm and had just sprouted its first buds. He didn’t answer, having yet to forgive her for dragging him onto the slippery slope of psychotropic drug use.

