Search for Buried Humor

Adventure, excitement, conspiracies coming this week

Phillip T Stephens
Wind Eggs
Aug 23, 2021


Image courtesy of freepik

Tomorrow launches a week of adventure: Jungle cruises, lost tribes, buried treasure, and abominable snowmen. I could write more, but that would spoil the suspense. And there will be plenty:

  • How many jokes will fall flat?
  • How many readers will take offense at racist, sexist, and imperialist tropes buried deeply in the subtext?
  • How many readers will finish stories and say, “I could have written this?
  • How many more readers will say, “Why didn’t you get a poofreader?”
  • How many will say, “I don’t read for the stories. I just want to look at the pictures?”

Check in and find out.

