Once is a mistake, twice is your own stupidity

The Fine Art of Frying Fluke

Mama Drama Week

Phillip T Stephens
Wind Eggs


Stalking girl handcuffs man
Source image by Racool Studio

(Continued from yesterday)

GEORGE’S DATING-SERVICE made the perfect match on the first date. Perfect match for his date, who billed his mother’s credit card for “services rendered” and stole his wallet as well. But even though his mother canceled his account, he still had three-weeks left before it expired.

Anna loved cats, guns, and refusing to speak to her mother. Big tits too. Couldn’t find a finer woman than that. What could he lose? So he pushed the accept date button, which pissed his mother off. She wagged her finger at him while he searched the closet for his jacket. “Women are flukes. You think they’re delicious, but they bite.”

“Worms aren’t delicious, mom. And you wouldn’t want to date one.”

“Not fluke worms, you jack ass. Flounder. You know the flat fish you order at restaurants.”

Anna loved cats, guns, and refusing to speak to her mother. Big tits too. Couldn’t find a finer woman than that.

His jacket didn’t fit, but it was that or wear the sweater his mother knitted for Christmas. So he struggled to slip it on without ripping the seams. “You’re a woman. That makes you a fluke,” he screamed.

Or he would have screamed if he ever talked back to his mother.

Anna asked him to meet at The Pier, a seafood restaurant, an ironic destination considering his conversation with his mother. Even more ironic when she ordered the fluke pan fried with lemons, almonds and aioli sauce. “Don’t flukes bite?” he asked.

She handed the menu to the waiter. “Not when you cook them right.” And she was right, the fluke was delicious, as was the wine she suggested they order, and the dessert and the invitation back to her place afterwards where she offered him another glass of wine and he fell asleep immediately.

He woke handcuffed to her bed and with his cock in a vise. In that moment he wondered if someone tattooed “sucker” on his forehead. If so, Anna picking him as a date was no fluke. Mother was right. It doesn’t matter how you cook them, flukes bite.

(To be continued…)

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Wry noir author Phillip T. Stephens wrote Cigerets, Guns & Beer, Raising Hell, the Indie Book Award winning Seeing Jesus, and the children’s book parody Furious George. Follow him at Phillip T Stephens.

