5 Real Stories From the Great Depression

What life was Like During Great Depression?

5 min readMay 3, 2021


Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

The great depression was nothing to laugh at it was a very hard time one of the biggest struggles in American history whether it’s people losing tons of money-losing their houses or their jobs.

#5. The Dust Bowl

This is probably the most important time in American history when you have a lot of trouble where there are no jobs where the economy is in the toilet. You think to yourself that you can at least farm and grow the goods you can.

You are a person, who knows how to work with your hands, then you do not need a job, you can only prepare for a good life. There was a great drought, and it made him restless.

It is difficult for anyone to be able to grow crops, so now you have a huge shortage of food, and this area has become very dangerous. It was not called a cup of dust for no reason because the ground was so dry that the sand Storms passed, and people had to be covered.

Their eyes and mouth so they wouldn’t suffocate the rate of lung-related illness went through the roof, so not only were you hungry, you now couldn’t breathe.

#4. Sickness

So let’s pile all these things on top of each other. You’ve just lost your job, so now you have to go to your family and tell them that you can’t do anything to get some money. And make sure everyone has food.

Eat food and then you start starving. Finding a piece of food here and there can keep everyone alive, but that doesn’t mean that if you get sick, someone has a full stomach for a while and you Has no way to go to the doctor and now with everyone.

Pressure on your shoulders You are the most prone to diseases that you may never have had in your life. This is also the 1930s, so people are not as clean as they are today so what will happen to you? There are sounds and many other diseases.

It will wreak havoc not only on you but also on your entire neighborhood, and at that time there was no widespread way to treat it as people were becoming permanently ill, and it is believed that at least 50 children Either the hungry were sick or both.

#3. Shanty Towns

With most of the jobs falling away people’s livelihood being stripped from them because the stock market fell apart and food being harder to find than a well-built American car people were going into straight depression mode there was nothing that people could do to keep their houses.

And because the banking system was so broken, they were coming for everyone so they could take their houses away this would then turn into people being forced to find housing in any way that they could because you couldn’t just take your land back from the bank.

I mean, you should have been able, to they were the ones that caused the market to collapse, well then you had to go somewhere else to try and build a home from scraps, which created massive shantytowns, where people were living, people would just make shacks to live.

Because there was nowhere else to go back, then people were much more, resourceful and there wasn’t a place where you could just go buy a tent, and there were way more kids back then now when the economy, collapses you just have a bunch of 20-somethings that have tens of thousands of dollars in debt and just push that towards overcharging landlords.

#2. World War ii Helped People Get Out of The Great Depression

You see, the Great Depression has begun in the United States because people’s spending and consumer culture are so out of control that the market was nowhere to be found, but you think we must have learned something from it.

But it turns out that we haven’t, but perhaps a weird aspect of it is that when World War II kicked off, it was okay, now a common enemy of people all over the world. There was a lot of reason.

To focus on so people weren’t looking at their wallets as much on top of that it sent millions of people to wars so that now there was a mass influx of jobs in the job market with factories making supplies for the war effort.

And tons of people gone there were, so many more jobs available. So much so that this changed the job market for the good and saw women come into the workforce. It was just wild to think that the great depression might have gone on even longer.

If it weren’t for World War II if you hadn’t been sent to war when things were kicked out and you stayed home your life could have improved.

#1. The Moolah Lost

How much money fell into the gutter when everything fell apart during this great depression, it all became known as Black Tuesday, October 24, 1929, the day when the people who were trading money on the stock market saw everything go to the trash.

And lost 14 billion dollars in a single day, and keep in mind this was in 1929, and don’t worry there will be a conversion coming later. I just want to give you some more numbers first because when the stocks go down.

The most we have ever seen in history, they don’t stop until they’ve crashed to rock bottom, so over the week the number would more… than double reaching 30 billion dollars this is during a time when a loaf of bread costs.

Another number less than 40 cents one more number for you before we give you the conversion the federal budget at that time was less than three billion dollars that’s the annual budget, and they lost 30 billion dollars in a week.

So now that we got all that out of the way, what does 30 billion dollars in today’s currency look like, that number is 461 billion 428 million 70 thousand, and 175, and 44 cents, yeah is that how you say that it’s a big number?

It was hard to say guys, it was all over the place I did an exact conversion, so it was somewhere around 460 billion dollars that’s a lot of money lost in a week.




I write blogs, product reviews, and also I write about historical events, health, fitness, and self-awareness. More info: www.windlist.xyz