Best Online Business Ideas To Start in 2021 For Beginners Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read These 10 Tips

The 10 Most Successful Online Business Ideas For Beginners to Start This Year

10 min readMay 21, 2021


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

“If you want to start an online business for a while”, I think now is the best time to grow it, especially with what’s going on in the world. More and more people are moving online to make money.

I’m going to talk to you about what I think are the best online businesses you can start this year, even if you don’t have much experience. And let’s talk about some of the best online businesses you should start this year.

#10. Micro-Influencer

What is a micro-influencer? By the way, you’ve probably heard the term being an influencer. Following someone with a big social media, and you know they pay a hundred thousand dollars for the promotion of such a skincare product, or some good term micro-influencer is a little bit innovative doing of. This is when you say on a small scale that you have a thousand followers or 500 followers.

But you’re you have a community that’s invested in what you’re saying and the kind of topic that you’re talking about, so rather than going for a big general niche like just being a popular vlogger or something like that, a micro-influencer might be talking just about a specific niche.

Which might be like fly fishing, or it might be about cooking vegan cookies or something like that and the people who follow them. While this may not be a large audience, as I said before, it could be a thousand people out of 500 who have invested in what you say and the content that you are creating, maybe.

So as a micro-influencer, essentially what you would be doing is posting content on YouTube on Instagram maybe. Even TikTok these days seems to be taking off, and you’ll be making this content just about this topic.

The great thing is that, even though you don’t have a million followers on Instagram, or a million subscribers on YouTube, you do have a thousand dedicated followers. Who are actual mega fans, compared to say you’ve got a million followers, who don’t care about you that much, and the thing is these mega fans are much more likely to buy say your merchandise?

If you’re going to be putting out some t-shirts, or hoodies, and things like that, or if you have a course like a micro-course or like a mini-course, that you put out for $50 they’re much more likely, and much more investment to buy that from you because they’re so invested in what you’re talking about.

The good thing is, it doesn’t take that long to build up this micro-influencer kind of community of say 300 people 500 people, or a thousand people. I can assure you that you have that many followers. Who are dedicated and invested in what you’re talking about, all you need to think about. Now, are what kind of niche you want to be an influencer in.

#9. Blog

Start a blog now, because blogs are still incredibly popular, and they’re still a great way to make money online, and it’s so much easier these days to create a blog with services like WordPress, and squares pace, and Wix, they just you know you can get your blog up, and running pretty much within a day or two.

It would be much better to do it on kind of a smaller niche target. That micro-influencer kind of community that we were talking about before, and that way you’re going to get very targeted people, and the traffic is going to be good for you.

If you want to sell them something, and this is a great thing about websites because it is really easy to launch different products, and there are different sources of revenue that you can get directly from the website.

Even if you’re selling goods directly from your blog, you might be able to use Google AdSense and get ads just like you would on YouTube, but running on your website, or You can do affiliate marketing. You can make money online, which is one of my favorite ways.

#8. Affiliate Marketing

If you don’t know what affiliate marketing is, it’s essentially a way, in which you refer people to a product or a service, and you get a commission if they end up buying that service. So a really good example is, and you’ve all heard about, it’s the biggest online retailer in the world.

They have the largest affiliate program in the world. If I had to recommend a product to you, and link you to And whatever you buy in the next 24 hours, you go there. I’ll be going to get a commission. And how much commission do you make?

Well, around about four to eight percent through amazon, so if you were to buy a camera for a thousand dollars, I might make four percent on that which is forty dollars, which is not that bad, and you could imagine, if you have you know 100 different videos or a hundred different blog posts.

Where you’re kind of talking about different products, and people end up buying multiple things on that same day, you can make a decent amount of money. So I’ve been fortunate enough through the amazon associates program, to make probably over two hundred thousand dollars over the last few years.

It’s been successful mainly through camera reviews, which I’ve been doing as I said before. You can make a lot of money if you look at these camera reviews because they’re quite expensive items, but people also buy not just cameras.

They might also buy, you know lenses, and tripods, and SD cards, and it all adds up, and you’re going to be selling fishing rods. You can do a review on that either on your Instagram, or on your blog, and then link to it, and then if they end up buying, that within the next 24 hours, you’ll make a good commission on that.

#7. Virtual Assistant or Personal Assistant

Now, I talk about this one quite often, because I think it’s a really good job that you can do. If you don’t have a lot of practical skills, but you can help people, and you know how to manipulate your way online, so essentially what a virtual assistant can do as a personal assistant.

But doing it all online you generally use something like zoom, or skype, to call up the person. You are going to be working with, and then you’ll use different programs like Google docs, which is what I generally use with my virtual assistant.

You’ll just help them out with different projects, and maybe you’ll help them out with their emails making sure that. They’re going to be sorted, and you know to make sure that. The emails they need to get to them properly, and you will help them with calendars, and bookings, and all sorts of things.

This business is really good here, if you want to work from home, say you are a living mom or dad, or if you just want your freedom, you don’t have to go from nine to five, and going to a workplace.

#6. Freelance Writing

Another cool business that you can set up is doing some freelance writing. This one comes in nicely because people need content for their blogs, and they don’t want to always have to write it themselves, so if you have the skills to be able to write.

Blog content can be a really valuable thing that you can offer the best place. I would say to find work for freelance writing is going to be over on, but you can also take a look at You’ll probably get paid a little bit more for, but check them both out if you want to be doing freelance writing.

#5. Writing Ebook

Freelance writing is kind of working for someone else, but if you want to be doing a little bit more for yourself. We want to keep the profits for ourselves, what I would recommend is writing an ebook, and this is one of my favorite all-time passive income ideas.

Because essentially what it’s going to be is you write an ebook about something again. We’re going to be kind of talking about that micro-niche, that micro-influencer thing, so you might write a book about fly fishing, or something like that.

You can sell this book for say $20, and people can just download it, and the great thing is that once you’ve written that book. Every sale you get is going to be a passive income recurring source, so let’s say that you wrote a book two years ago.

And you’re going to be getting two sales, every day coming in at twenty dollars that’s forty dollars a day every day for the next few years. Of course, it’s never that easy, but I think, you get the idea, you do a little bit of the work upfront, and then the passive income kind of comes in as the days go on.

#4. Podcast

Start a podcast, and this one here is kind of the hot new thing at the moment. Because everyone’s starting a podcast, and one of the things that I like about a podcast is that you have the attention of the listener. So much more than you would on say a YouTube video with YouTube you might have.

I might have your attention for three minutes, and then you will know you click away. Go and watch another video, you might have done that already, but if you haven’t thanked for sticking around with a podcast, essentially people generally listen to the whole podcast, and they’ll just have it on in the background.

So say that a YouTube video goes for 10 minutes a podcast might go for an hour, and people are always going to be listening to it. While they’re doing something else, maybe in a car, but they’re not going to have different distractions and different videos that they might want to click on, so a podcast is great.

Because you can monetize it in so many ways, you can have different videos and ad sponsors you can have different affiliates. That you can promote and talk about in the link description as well, and you can also have you know maybe like a Patreon kind of campaign, where people can pay five dollars a month to support your podcast.

If you can, I’d recommend doing a video podcast as well, because I think that they’re a little bit more engaging, and that’s great because you can have your podcast in audio form which is on say Spotify or Google podcast, but you can also show your podcast on a video streaming service like YouTube.

#3. Print on Demand

Now, what is print on demand? You come up with a design for say t-shirts or a hoodie, and then you use a service like Printful, or Teespring, or Spreadshirt, and they’ll print the t-shirt for you. They’ll package the t-shirt for you, and send it off, and essentially you get to keep the profit after all of that’s done.

So back in the days, If you were to print your t-shirts, you would have to get different blanks. You would have to get the t-shirts, you’d have to have all the ink, and then, of course, you would have to print the t-shirts yourself, and then send them off by yourself as well. So that was a lot of work, and it costs quite a lot of money.

This print-on-demand kind of service will do all of that distribution and fulfillment for you, and essentially you just keep the profits. All you need to do is come up with some cool designs, you can use a service like to come up with these designs, and that’s a great way to do it, as well.

#2. YouTube

I’m passionate about YouTube, because I’ve been doing it myself for about five years, and it’s similar to kind of being an influencer, a micro-influencer of course, there are lots of big YouTube channels, which might have one million two million, or five million subscribers, but there are also a lot of really profitable channels.

Who might have 5,000 subscribers, even a thousand subscribers, and they’re making a full-time living off this? I would recommend you do is start a YouTube channel about some sort of niche. Again this is going to be coming back to that micro-influencer thing.

This is my suggestion, but if you can start it again on a niche, we’ll go back to that kind of fly fishing idea you could make different reviews. You know fishing rods, you can make reviews about different fishing equipment. And you could also do you know different tips and instructional videos.

It’s just a great way to build that kind of community, and then make money from the revenue that you’re going to be generating, and again it’s kind of the same as on a blog you can make money through affiliates, you can make money through print on demand, you could make you know to fly fishing t-shirts, and just the opportunities endless.

#1. Online Coaching

My favorite way that you should make money this year is by doing online coaching. So there’s a huge online education boom happening at the moment, mostly with everything that has been going on in the world over the last few years.

This is a profitable niche, that you can get in where you can set up an online course or do an online coaching type of session through fantastic taught by, which allows creating a video course, or a text course. Which you can sell to people for say twenty dollars, or fifty dollars, even up to a thousand dollars, and again this is a great business model because it’s a relatively passive business.

Those were some of my favorite business ideas for beginners. Hopefully, you are satisfied, and good luck with your online business this year and beyond.




I write blogs, product reviews, and also I write about historical events, health, fitness, and self-awareness. More info: