5 reasons your users will upgrade to the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and why you should too

Windows Developer
Windows Developer
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2017

The Fall Creators Update brings many new and updated features to Windows 10 customers. Below are just a few features that help people be more productive while they work on their Windows 10 devices — all of which are easy to support in your Windows applications.

  1. A modern look and feel

The Fall Creators Update brings the Microsoft Fluent Design System to Windows. People prefer the look and feel of modern apps over those that look like something designed 10 years ago. It’s easy with the new Windows SDK to modernize your apps with Fluent Design by incorporating light, depth, motion, materials and scale to provide better user experiences for your customers. Learn how to design and code a modern interface for your app that works across all Windows 10-based devices.

2. Better Inking support for increased productivity

Improvements in Inking include pen or stylus navigation so customers will be able to select and scroll without having to put their pen down, while also realizing the benefits of improved handwriting recognition. For those who worry about being absent-minded, the Fall Creators Update also adds the “where’s my pen” feature to find where they last used it. Want to make sure all of this rich experience works seamlessly within your app? It’s easy to get started.

3. Protection against ransomware

The Fall Creators Update includes security improvements to protect individuals from malware as well as ransomware, which can be enabled via the Windows Defender Security Center or Group Policy. With Controlled Folder Access, people can lock down file and folders to protect them from being hijacked. Security is a top concern, and users are becoming savvier about selecting technology and apps that help reduce risk. Developers will not have write additional functionality to implement this feature once it is enabled by their customers.

4. Downloading OneDrive Files On Demand

Rather than having all OneDrive files sync from the cloud to all devices, taking up unnecessary disk space, with the Fall Creators Update, files will stay in the cloud until requested. This on-demand feature frees up valuable capacity on their Windows 10 devices. Given the amount of content accessed daily, this capability will be a valuable tool for managing shared resources. Learn how to add seamless file storage and team collaboration to your app.

5. Even more ways to work in 3D.

With support for 3D in Office 365 and Windows 10, people can view, resize, and rotate 3D objects as organizations roll out Office 365 and Windows 10. New with Fall Creators Update is support in PowerPoint for a brand-new transition type, Morph, with 3D models in PowerPoint to create cinematic transitions between slides. Interested in seeing what other developers have created using 3D? Check out HP’s solution here.

Learn More: Sign up here to get the latest information to help get your software ready for Windows 10.



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