Would you like to be interviewed?

For an article and to get to know each other

Windows on the World


The Windows on the World publication is growing — slowly, but apparently that’s the best way. Meantime, we’ve started to amass some great content, and from here there’s plenty of room for expansion. Though we’d like to have many more writers aboard, we need to be selective.

Windows on the World submissions page.

I am doing what I can to draw top-notch writers, and that’s why you are invited to offer your name as a volunteer subject for a writer interview. To clarify, if you volunteer, you’ll be interviewed for an article that will be posted to the WOTW publication.

Please drop your name in the comments section. The only stipulation is that you must have at least 20 articles live on this platform. There will be multiple interviews done, but how many will be decided by the demand for them.

If you consider yourself a great writer, why not offer your name and get familiar with me, the editor of the WOTW?

Thank you in advance to my Medium neighbors and friends.

