Action Note for Windows

Shantesh Patil
Windows Global
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2016


With Evernote recently announcing some big changes to the free version of it’s service a lot of you might be looking to jump ship. While Microsoft’s own Onenote might be the most obvious choice for a lot of users there are other alternatives out there. If you are firmly inside the Microsoft ecosystem we want to show you an app called Action Note.

Action Note is a very basic notes app for both Windows 10 desktop as well as mobile. Despite it’s simplicity it might well serve a lot of users just fine.

Creating a note

While you can just hit the new note button from within the app Action Note also gives you a couple of new ways to create new notes. These are unique to Windows 10 and really make it stand out.

  • If you allow it Action Note creates a neat interactive notification that is always present in your action center. You can quickly create a note with it.
  • You can share an image or text to Action Note from any other app and Action note will create a new note for you
  • You can also a scan a QR code directly from your phone into a new note. the note created will have the url information stored directly inside the note
  • You can also dictate text into the note via speech recognition
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Note Options

While notes have a standard title and details format you can also assign one of six colors to the note or flag it if it’s really important. You can then choose to sort the notes by category color date

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Viewing Notes

The app is quick to open up and it’s one way to see your notes. Action Notes gives you one more nifty way to see your notes and that is in the action center. You can either see all your notes here or a select few so you can instantly check out a note just by opening up action center.

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You can also pin individual notes as live tiles

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Online Syncing

One of the biggest pitfalls of using a proprietary note taking service like Evernote as we recently saw is the unpredicability of it’s existence and it’s pricing changes. Action Note handles it’s syncing via your Windows Live account. Simply login with the same live id across any of your windows devices and all your notes are synced quickly and correctly. It’s a seamless experience and one that actually let’s you have peace of mind knowing that your notes are secure and safe so long as you have your live account.


While most functions are free online syncing comes at the cost of a one time purchase. it’s great value for money and we highly recommend this wonderful app

Download Action Note from here



Shantesh Patil
Windows Global

Game Designer who loves everything to do with art in any form. Writes occasionally and believes dinosaur resurrection is imminent