
Keith Spreckels Jr.
Wine — Business — Life
2 min readJan 17, 2020

We are ICED inside today.

No going into the market. No going to see people.

It would be easy to call it a snow day. Infact, I hope our competition is calling it a snow day.

I love my family. My kids are the best. My wife as well.

A snow day would be a fun thing to do. We could watch movies, do crafts, play board games.

But this is not today.

They will see me up and down from the office, which is more than a lot of dads get to see their kids during the day…

We can’t take days off. This isn’t the time.

We are SO close to making this thing pop. So. Close.

And all I can think about it how many people we get to help. How many places we get to give to. How many kids lives we can change. The better we do, the more we can make a change in the world.

This is our driving force. and I. Am. HUNGRY.

We have a few weeks left until our cans are done, our market work for the year really starts, our new states start to open up AND the proverbial shit starts to hit the fan.

What do you do when you get overwhelmed? Can’t overwhelmed be a good thing?

I pray more. I make sure I get my Bible study in. I haven’t worked out in awhile, but the more stressed I get the more I will get back into it.


Something. Find what makes you calm and prioritize that.

What did Morpheus say?

“Clear your mind”

And if you do so, you can jump across buildings? I think that was his point.

So no matter where you are in the world today…Clear your mind… AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW (HA! I couldn’t help that either).

Happy Friday!

It’s not the beginning of the weekend…it is just another amazing day. Don’t let Saturday coming up make you sit around for 2 days… Get ahead of your competition and stay ahead.


