about wine and a Netflix thriller….

somethings were meant to be together

Sah. V. Lasso
Wine & me
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash

I was never a huge fan of beers or gin or vodka...

I was never a heavy drinker…until the middle of my PhD.

To be completely honest, I still don´t consider myself a heavy drinker but I can easily say that I drank more in these last 1,5 years than in my whole life.

I guess that there is a formula that helps to explain this phenomenon:

stress+lack of sleep+crap love life+ away from home+PhD+cheap wine

I have friends that can drink anything and don´t mind about it, if it has alcohol it is welcome, but for me there is something about wine that is different from other drinks.

Maybe it is because beer makes me boated and pee a lot, vodka makes my head spin like crazy, some shots can make my stomach weird…and wine, well wine is always a fresh breeze in the summer for my body.

It can easily sound like I´m a wine specialist or an alcoholic but I can be honest with you and say I´m none of those. I even want to know more about wines and all but still didn´t take time for that.

It is just…I don´t know, wine takes the stress a bit from my mind, makes me “happy” (because I don´t drink to be that drunk, just happy), makes me more friendly, more talkative and a better dancer. :)

Of course, if there is a possibility to have company for the wine … it is even better but if not, a glass of wine at home by myself always sounds like a good plan. Ok, in the end I can drink the whole bottle of the sparkling wine by myself watching Netflix.

This was even more special when I watching Dark ( an amazing German thriller ).


I watched dark 4 times already and I could watch again ( if I had time now). It is just so good! The stories are well written and they develop in a beautiful and surprising way. The characters are the types you hate in the beginning but love in the end ( or the other way around). The songs are stuck in my head and the German language just adds more charm to all.

It´s funny because usually it takes me some weeks or days to watch the whole thing but with Dark, it was basically one day! It was love on the first sight!

Photo by Connor Wells on Unsplash

But the best part was the perfect combination of Dark & Wine. Not all series go with wine…Friends (nop), How I met your mother (nop), Stranger Things (maybe)…you get the point!

Now, I guess I have to wait for a new thriller to make company for my wine bottles…



Sah. V. Lasso
Wine & me

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.