Wine Art

Sah. V. Lasso
Wine & me
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2020

there is so much more than just drinking wine

Photo by Terry Vlisidis on Unsplash

There more I learn about wine … the more it fascinates me. And I keep finding out that there is so much more into wine than just drinking it.

One of the possibilities that I found was Wine Painting.

I decided to give it a try because….well why not? And my curiosity would kill me if I didn´t give it a go!

I had a new canvas that I bought to try some other painting but it was just sitting here :)

So I started to fresh wine out of the bottle. I tried a rosé but it was basically transparent, so I shift to a red.

Day 1 of Wine Art by Sah Lasso

As I saw that the color as not as rich as I wanted to be, I decided to let the wine stays in the glass for one more day…to see what would happen…

Day 2 of Wine Art by Sah Lasso

As you can see on the second day, the color is starting to be a bit less shy on the canvas.

Day 3 of Wine Art by Sah Lasso

As the days went day, I could see a shift from a shy red to a bold brown, which was not what I aspected but still interesting.

Final Wine Art by Sah Lasso

This last picture is the final result. Of course, the color developed more in the end, was the wine was super sticky in the glass, almost like a sirup or a glue.

I´m quite happy with the results that I got but I did some google around and found out that Madeline Puckette has the right way to do it (here).

I totally wanna try again, maybe even using the right method this time!



Sah. V. Lasso
Wine & me

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.