Must use tools for react developers

Dhanraj Acharya
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2018

This is a curated list of tools which will help you in your development process. I wish I knew these tools before and it would have changed my process completely.

beware, this is a no image article!


Free static site hosting. Simple, single-command web publishing. Publish HTML, CSS, and JS for free, without leaving the command line.

So any static website can be hosted here for FREE OF COST FOREVER (That is until they don’t but they will).

React Router v4

If you want to know how to add links and handle navigation then this is your answer. In SPA, navigation is handled via changing the history object of the browser. Such kind of routing library typically makes this process very easy and straight forward.

React Snapshot

While developing Single page applications, you may come across server side rendering and for beginners, it’s a lot of setup. this little guy here, converts your website and provides server side rendering.

Server Side Rendering: Your SPA are rendered on the client. everything is just one single page changing routes. In many cases, you may need to use SSR. one such case is user bookmarking a link in your website and when he visits it, it doesn’t exists! error 404! what!

Follow this amazing article to know more about react snapshot and how to use it:

React helmet

Want to control the tags in your head html dynamically? worry not! React Helmet is one such pretty damn famouse library just for that.

React Redux

Once you start to create a big application in react, you will come across this nightmare of handling the state and props of react components. you will have difficulty keeping it consistent across the components and may face many problems. state management libraries are that super hero which solves this god damn problem. now there are many lirbaries out there, you can use anyone you like. but if you can’t decide which one to pick, start with redux.

General purpose library

lodash: Utility functions for almost everything

For more information,

This is a similar posts but with a list of amazing articles which help you boost your react knowledge!

Thank you for reading!

If you have any suggestions and additions to the list comment below.

One more thing, if found this article helpful, clap! 👏👏👏.



Dhanraj Acharya

Full Stack Developer. I love experimenting with new tools and tech.