What Are Wine Drinkers Like in Brazil?

Claudio Vallejo
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

Three million! That is the number of Brazilians who discovered the wonders of drinking wine in 2020 alone. They now make wine an essential part of their daily existence, just as millions of others around the world have been doing for centuries.

Without a doubt, wine is taking Brazil by storm. The number of Brazilian wine-drinkers is slowly inching its way to toppling the ‘Cachaca’ — the nation’s most popular spirit.

It begs to question, what are wine drinkers like in Brazil?

More Brazilian Millennials are Drinking Wine as a Companion

Two out of three new Brazilian wine drinkers are millennials. That is a substantial improvement from a decade ago. It even surpasses the wine-drinking habits of American millennials with only 42%.

Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers still comprise a commendable proportion of Brazilian wine-drinkers. However, nobody in the wine industry can dispute the growing preference of Millennials for wine.

Millennials look at wine as a connector they can share with friends and loved ones. It is a social drink that can make relationships more pleasant and engaging. Reading a book is more pleasurable with a glass of wine in one hand. Exchanging pleasantries with acquaintances is also more heart-warming.

Pandemic-related public health measures also play a role in the increase in the number of regular Brazilian wine-drinkers. Movement restrictions and entertainment venue closures prevent people from enjoying beer and other alcoholic beverages in public.

On the other hand, wine is always more enjoyable in the home.

Brazilian Wine-drinkers are Ready to Shop Online

Brazilian wine drinkers are growing more sophisticated than previous generations. A 2018 Wine Intelligence report says that about a quarter of Brazilian consumers buy their wines from online commerce platforms.

In 2020, that figure jumped to 30 percent. While it is a very modest increase, it is worth noting that Brazilian wine e-commerce penetration is growing. The country now ranks third among countries that use digital platforms to buy their wine, after the US and China.

Brazilians are Naturally Curious

Seven out of 10 Brazilian wine drinkers say they are willing to try grapes from other countries. It is a good indicator of Brazilians’ growing curiosity about the world of wines.

Portugal remains Brazil’s leading partner in wine importation. The nation registered a 17% growth in its Portuguese wine imports in the first six months of 2020 alone.

Spain, France, and neighboring South American countries also find the growing Brazilian wine-drinking trend as a sign of a maturing wine-drinking population.

It is an opportunity for winegrowers to introduce more varieties of wine. It also satisfies Brazil’s growing curiosity about this beverage.

A Growing National Pride

While Brazilians are naturally curious, more than 40 percent of them would still prefer a locally-produced wine. Local wines embody the rich heritage of the nation.

Brazilian wines are fresh, fruity, and light that makes them very easy to drink. They also have less alcohol content, something that people love when engaging in a social activity.

Brazil is known for its sparkling wines and red and white varietals. Locals love dry sparkling wines, while connoisseurs prefer the sweeter variety.

About 94 percent of Brazilian wine drinkers prefer red varietals. More than half of them are between the ages of 31 and 50. About 71 percent of them drink wine at least once a week.

True enough, there is a growing pride in locally-produced wines. More than 73% of the wines that Brazilians consume come from local wine producers.

To summarize, many Brazilian wine drinkers are millennials who appreciate wine as a tool for bridging and strengthening social relationships. They use digital platforms to expand their wine-drinking horizons. While they are open to imported varieties, their growing sense of national pride makes them more favorable to enjoying a fine glass of locally-produced wine.

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Claudio Vallejo

Wine, programmer, diver & photographer lover. Agronomist Engineer. CEO/Founder of Intelvid.la — Cofounder Tradesfere.com More: cvallejo.me