How Wing Assistant Relieves Business Headaches

Diane Meehan
Wing Assistant
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2022

At Wing Assistant, it’s part of our mission to prevent you from experiencing That Day. Business owners have all experienced That Day. You know the one: You start the morning with a clear head and lots of energy. Coffee in hand, you sit at your desk. You fully intend to cross off a couple of daily tasks and then tackle your growth plan.

Then… IT HITS.

Suddenly you’re dealing with several things at once: an unexpected customer issue, an employee challenge, a marketing snafu, mounting emails, a billing discrepancy that takes two hours to identify, and a ringing phone that no one can get to for some reason. Next thing you know, it’s the end of the day and your plan is still a blank page.

How Wing Assistant Helps You Deal with That Day

Being a business owner is hard. (Did you laugh at that gross understatement?) Besides the stress of having to wear several hats, many owners often feel out of their depth. What’s more, the burden of responsibility for your end-to-end operations can cause intense feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Many business owners don’t have a network, mentor, or partners to whom they can readily turn for brainstorming or evaluation. Owners feel pressured to have all of the answers – which is unrealistic and damaging to both mental health and business health.

Enter the concept of a “Thought Partner.” In a guest post for, investor and entrepreneur Rania Anderson revealed that most successful people have incorporated Thought Partners into their network.

She explains that Thought Partners offer “a way of thinking that challenges and provokes divergent thinking and action for you.” A step beyond a mentor, a Thought Partner actively engages with you to move past your current parameters and establish pathways for growth.

No need to panic about adding the hunt for a Thought Partner to your to-do list; with Wing, you have a dedicated Thought Partner included in your team: your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

How to Maximize Your Planning Call

Your CSM is committed to the success of your business by ensuring your happiness with your Wing Assistant. CSMs are there to analyze how our services are best supporting your needs, and partner with you to establish a plan for your growth.

During your initial Planning Call, our Customer Success Manager (CSM) will walk you through a series of questions to help us better understand your business goals and needs. Those questions are also designed to help you think about your business goals and needs. Equipped with this information, our CSM will consider how to align your Wing Assistant’s activities with your business growth.

And along the way? Your CSM will check in with you periodically as a sounding board for:

  • Creative solutions to problems
  • What’s working and what’s not
  • An objective perspective on current challenges

Here are some best practices to maximize a Planning Call:

  1. Think about your big-picture goals for your business.
  2. If you have your goals and KPIs documented, bring them to the call. If not, jot down some notes and your CSM will help flesh them out. Our CSMs are great at taking a goal and breaking it down into actionable items.
  3. Review your top 3 projects that you want to take off your plate and make notes of the processes required to carry them out. Our CSMs will help you build the training so your Wing Assistant can effectively work with minimal supervision.

Think about these questions:

  • Where do you get stuck?
  • What problems do you need to solve?
  • What areas do you need to focus on more and why?
  • Do your employees need support to focus on other things?
  • What is your least favorite thing to do that you haven’t gotten off your plate yet?
  • Alternatively, what’s your most favorite thing to do that you haven’t done yet?
  • If this were a perfect world and you had staff to cover all of your needs, what would you spend your days doing for your business?

Make your CSM your Thought Partner

Your Wing Customer Success Manager will be your partner through the process of identifying, defining, and planning both your short-term and long-term goals. We’re here to help you be successful from end to end. Can’t wait to get started!

Note: If you are still working towards becoming a proficient goal setter and want a refresher on some principles, check out this post on developing SMART goals!

