Wing Assistant for Chrome

Wing Assistant
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2022

Everyone has experienced interruptions at work. You know what it’s like — you see an interesting link on the internet, and you just have to share it with your teammates or send it somewhere useful. Well, you have a Wing Assistant now, so you can send it to them!

With Wing Assistant for Chrome, we created a way for you to keep laser-focused on your to-do list, even as you actively delegate to your assistant.

Wing Assistant for Chrome

Wing Assistant for Chrome lets you delegate from anywhere on the web to your Wing Assistant. All you have to do is add the extension to Chrome through the Chrome Web Store, log in to your Wing account, and start delegating while you browse!

Wing’s extension is easy to use

When you see a page you’d like to take note of, all you have to do is click the Wing icon on your extensions tray (located in the upper right corner of your browser).

When you click the icon, a window with a text box will pop out. All you have to do is tap “Ask Assistant” — you have the opportunity to share a note or write a request in the textbox, as well as attach the current page’s screenshot & URL.

Ensure you have checked “Attach Screenshot and URL” to give your assistant more context about their task. Once you’re done, click “Ask Assistant.” A message like the one below will appear:

It’s that simple!

Here are 7 examples of how you can maximize your productivity and assign tasks from around the web to your Wing Assistant using our Chrome App:

1. Researching software options

Browsing possible tools for your team? You can delegate that. Take a screenshot and send it to your assistant with a note describing what you’re looking for. No need to clumsily explain what you’re looking for anymore, as your assistant got full context with the screenshot & URL!

2. Looking up establishments

Researching up-and-coming restaurants is easier when you have Wing Assistant for Chrome. You could give your assistant an idea of what type of establishment you’re looking for in one click — no need to clip a handful of maps, menus, and URLs!

3. Sending emails with article attachments

Find something you just have to share with your colleagues? You don’t need to switch to your email, copy-paste the URL, and write a note to them. Send a screenshot and a note to your Wing Assistant, and they’ll take care of it for you.

4. Reaching out through social media

Happen upon a profile of someone you’d love to connect with? Send a screenshot of their profile to your assistant and provide a short note about how you’d like your VA to reach out.

5. Work on drafts of documents

If you have documents living online in places like Notion or Google Docs, you can ask your assistant to quickly jump in without having to navigate away from what you’re doing. Just send them the URL and a screenshot of what you’d like them to work on.

6. Refer to a video you’re watching

When you come across a video of someone you’d like to explore a collaboration with, you can just send a note to your VA and let them know. Your Wing Assistant will work on a draft outreach email for you, letting you do niche research uninterrupted.

7. Find a venue that fits your specific needs

Researching where to hold in-person meetings or events? Send your assistant a Google Maps screenshot and URL of the area, write a quick note, and let them give you options. No more spending minutes (or hours!) pouring over venues.


With Wing Assistant for Chrome, you don’t have to context switch as much or interrupt your browsing sessions. Add it to Chrome now, it’s available on the Chrome Web Store!

