Mirror Mirror

Winged Poesy
Published in
1 min readNov 23, 2016

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall

Let’s start from the very top top

The tinted hair, you see

Is just to cover and to conceal

The truth behind it all

Alas, color fades!

Staring at the grays

I gasped!

I must do something fast!

God Forbid!

The world should see

What lies hidden

Beneath these fake bright hues

What shame it would be

To exhibit

My true true colours

Oh, my eyes are okay

They didn’t shrivel much

Except.. those youthful sparkle

Never quite returned

Just don’t look people in the eye

They would never catch on

This nose

Instinctive.. intimidating

Let’s not talk about it

Moving on…

The sagging cheeks

The droopy rims of my mouth

Yes, they’re a dead giveaway

The lack of smiles

Ah.. where can you hide

Those pain! Those tears!

And, of course,

Not to leave out

This double chin

From looking down

Too much, too often


To pen down my thoughts

Into some measly verses

All in the hopes

Of turning my wounds

Into wisdom


