FAQ: Wing Flash Pool

Wing Finance
Wing Finance
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2020

We’ve recently opened the deposit to the Candidate Flash Pool, and have since received many questions from the Wing DAO community. Below is a list of frequently asked questions collected since its launch.

Haven’t tried yet? You can follow the below tutorials to use ONTO or Cyano to deposit to the Candidate Flash Pool.

Token Economy and Incentives

1. Where does the WING incentive come from? 20% or 80% of the total supply?

From the 80% of Wing’s token supply. This part of WING will be regularly distributed as liquidity and deposit incentives.

The rest 20% of Wing’s token supply will be locked in Wing DAO’s escrow account and will only be used for community governance. These tokens will be sent to the community fund pool in batches every 6 months for community development initiatives voted upon by the community (Total batches: 4).

2. How many WING tokens are released every day? Is there an estimated amount of WING incentives one will receive per day?

From September 12th (UTC), 0.06 WING will start to release every second and shared proportionally to users who have deposited ONT into the Candidate Flash Pool.

Except, after the launch of the official Flash Pool on September 15th, during our 15-day Mining Celebration campaign, the incentives will be 10x, 5x, and 3x. After the campaign, the WING released per second will be in accordance with the release mode stated in our Whitepaper.

Sep 15–19: 10x Incentives Exclusively for $ONT

Sep 20–24: 5x Incentives for ONT, $ETH, $WBTC, and $RENBTC

Sep 25–29: 3x Incentives for ONT, WBTC, RENBTC, ETH, $USDT, $USDC, $DAI, $PAX, and $SUSD

No estimate for that. It’s dynamic, depending on the amount of ONT the user has deposited and the total amount of ONT deposit in the Flash Pool.

You can use the formula here:

3. Where can I find the annual yield for WING mining?

We will release APY after September 15th. Please stay tuned.

4. If I deposit today and withdraw on the 10th, will I be receiving any WING incentives on the 12th?

No, you will not receive any incentives on the 12th since there is no deposit from you on the 12th. The ONT you deposited will only start to generate WING on September 12th (UTC).

5. Can we see the total ONT deposited on the Flash Pool website?

Yes, you can see the total ONT deposited from here.

Connect Wallet

1. I tried to connect ONTO from my mobile, but it is not working. Why?

Currently, we only support access to Flash Pool via PC. Please try again with your computer or laptop.

2. When can we connect OWallet?

We do not have an exact date on this. It will require contributions from the community to connect OWallet with Wing.

3. Does ONTO support ledger?

No, you can use the Cyano wallet with your ledger. You can find a guide from https://github.com/ontio/cyano-wallet

4. My Cyano wallet doesn’t connect to my Ledger? Can you fix it?

Cyano wallet should connect perfectly to your ledger if you are using Mac OS, Linux and Windows versions below 1903.

5. It shows “ONT ID not supported”, what should I do?

This is because the ONT ID you are using is not the ONT ID digital identity wallet, you can just click the tab on the top right corner on your ONT ID page, and create a new ONT ID identity wallet address.


1. When will WING be listed on any exchange?

We are opening to all listings opportunities and are currently in discussions with various exchanges.

2. Will there be a video tutorial?

Yes, the team is currently preparing video tutorials and will share once they are ready.

We will continue to update the FAQ. If you have further questions about Wing and the Flash Pool, you can ask in our Wing DAO Telegram community.

Want More?

Connect with us on Twitter or join the Telegram discussion, or read our Whitepaper to learn more.



Wing Finance
Wing Finance

Wing built a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to support cross-chain collaborative interaction between various DeFi products.