oneWING Liquidity Mining Tutorial

Wing Finance
Wing Finance
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2021

This tutorial is designed to increase oneWING/USDC liquidity in SushiSwap and receive ICHI incentives by staking oneWING-USDC SLP.

Reminder: All operations such as casting, liquidity provision, deposit, withdrawal, and transfer require ETH, please prepare in advance to avoid transaction failure.

1. Download and install MetaMask

The operating environment of this tutorial requires Google Chrome and the MetaMask plug-in to be installed on the browser.

(MetaMask plug-in download address:

Import or create an Ethereum address on MetaMask.

2. Add asset types on MetaMask

Four asset types are required for this operation. Click “Add Token/Add Token” at the bottom of the MetaMask page, select “Custom Token”, add pWING, USDC, oneWING, SLP in turn, and enter the following in the “Token Contract Address/Token Contract Address” column After each asset contract address, click “Next” to add it.

Contract address:

pWING: 0xDb0f18081b505A7DE20B18ac41856BCB4Ba86A1a

USDC: 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48

oneWING: 0x8F041A3940a5e6FB580075C3774E15FcFA0E1618

SLP: 0xE60EC4e49dd46dbE45EE79308b00405897310227

3. Mint oneWING on ICHI

Enter the ICHI minting for oneWING page:

Click “Connect to a wallet” and select MetaMask to connect to the wallet.

Enter the number of oneWING to be minted. Click “approve USDC” and “approve pWING” respectively, and select “Confirm” on MetaMask (only required for the first operation).

After completing, approve for both assets, then click “Mint”, confirm the handling fee on MetaMask and select “Confirm” to start casting oneWING.

4. Provide oneWING-USDC liquidity in SushiSwap

Enter the SushiSwap page:

Enter the required amount of oneWING and USDC, click “approve oneWING” and “approve USDC” respectively, then select “Confirm” on MetaMask (only required for the first operation).

Click “Supply”, click “Confirm Supply” after confirming the information, and select “Confirm” after confirming the handling fee on MetaMask to complete the liquidity provision.

5. Deposit oneWING-USDC SLP Tokens to get ICHI incentive

Open the oneWING-USDC liquidity mining page:

Click “Approve LP” and then click “Confirm” on MetaMask (only required for the first operation).

Click “Deposit LP Tokens”, enter the number of LP Tokens that need to be deposited, click “Farm”, confirm the handling fee on MetaMask and select “Confirm” to complete the deposit.

Click “Claim” to receive the ICHI incentives.

Click “Withdraw” to extract the deposited LP Token.

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Wing Finance
Wing Finance

Wing built a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to support cross-chain collaborative interaction between various DeFi products.