Wing DAO Weekly Recap

5th July — 11th July

Wing Finance
Wing Finance
1 min readJul 12, 2022


📣Wing NFT Pool is online now, with an APR of 2,000+%, come to participate!!! 🚗 🚗 🚗


Wing & Flamingo Joint Event is on fire, APR around 37%. A total reward of $240,600 WING+FLM is waiting for you! 🦩

Wing & BabySwap Liquidity Mining Event is in full swing, APR is up to 12%. Great rewards, easy to operate, welcome to participate! 👼🏻

The Wing Polkapets NFT holders airdrop is ongoing. The comprehensive APR is as high as 140%! From April, the activity was upgraded. More choices! Lower threshold and higher APY — don’t miss it! 💸

The NFT Holder Recruitment campaign is coming soon. Join the Wing DAO Discord official Community🌟 and verify, then you can get the chance to win the rewards. Welcome to join us! 🔎

Wing & Ontology 4th anniversary joint event will be held soon, stay tuned! 🌈 🌈 🌈


O3Swap has supported WING to cross Ethereum and BNB Chain, and the Twitter Space AMA jointly held by Wing and O3Swap has been successfully concluded, and the winners have been announced! 🔖

For more events, stay tuned! 🙈🙈🌟🌟

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Wing Finance
Wing Finance

Wing built a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to support cross-chain collaborative interaction between various DeFi products.