#Events: the first Roulette that chooses an event at random.

The WINGiT team is inviting its users to let go by using its new function, the Roulette, which selects events randomly.

3 min readMay 29, 2017


The #WingitRoulette Challenge

“Should’ve got closer, but I just took ’em out”. Kevin, aged 24, is laughing out loud. Last Friday, with some mates, he took up the #WingitRoulette Challenge and ended up having a game of petanque at a petanque party in a great little café in one of Paris’s cool neighborhoods.

#WingitRoulette challenge? What is it? A challenge we’ve set our users to encourage them to go out in a different way and to pitch up at events they’d never normally go to. And to do that, we’ve created a new function that’s fun and easy to use: the Roulette, which randomly selects one of the app’s events. Just press the button and hey presto, an Event page appears. The fun starts when you challenge your friends to go there! This makes people let go, and that’s the whole point of the challenge since the idea is then to post photos on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram;)

“I’d never played petanque before, but now I get why people can become so addicted to it. I lost miserably, but we had a great laugh”, said Kevin in a brief message sent to our magicbox@thewingitapp.com.

A new iOS and Android version

The Roulette is not the only thing that’s new at WINGiT, app version. The latest version also features a beautiful, shiny brand new Events Carrousel, at the top of the timeline, which highlights the day’s hangout ideas, thus giving much better focus on the cool things to do today or tomorrow.

Access to filters and the events map is also simpler thanks to a button (that we call “pill” in our jargon) at the bottom of the page.

And there’s yet another great improvement to the app’s ergonomics to improve user experience. As well as bug fixing and performance improvement, without which our developers would never have any fun (big up, guys).


Or, worse still — but we daren’t even imagine this scenario — if you still don’t have the app, download it, it’s free and will inspire you to find the most off-the-wall hangouts.

This way for iOS, that way for Android :)

So, will you dare spin our Roulette and rock up to the event selected? Take up the challenge and send us a photo!

Do you speak Français ? So read this incredible story here :)



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Inspire People to Get Out & Live the Moment