Native ads: How To Successfully Promote An Event On Media 100% Dedicated to Events.

Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2017

The best way to use native advertising to promote your events to people looking for things to do right here & now.

Are you running a small business event? Or event a big one? Want to bring people to your event?

Promoting it on Facebook is of course useful. But we wanted to go further, we wanted a 100% events app that would push to people events happenning now nearby. This is how we, @WINGiT, have invented a new platform 100% automated and dedicated to events that allows you to promote your events to people looking for things to do now in your neighbourhood using premium native advertising on our Apps and Audience Network.

Here is our cool short video that explains it all.

Visit our website to sponsor your first event with us !



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