♥Can Exes be Friends?

What Do You Think — Can Men and Women Be Friends After Breaking Up?

Short answer: Sort of.

A discussion on Facebook about whether or not we should stay friends with an ex received a ton of comments and varying opinions. Here’s mine.

I’m friends with one of the five exes I had serious, long-term, monogamous relationships with.

Previously, I’d been friendly — as opposed to friends with — all but one of them.

In fact, after we split, I played Cupid with three of these fellas.

They’re good men and just because we weren’t a good fit — so to speak — doesn’t mean they couldn’t be right for someone else I care about.

The length of those Cupid-inspired relationships varied and although they did end, they also served all parties well and no one hates my guts for shooting arrows.

So why aren’t we friends, anymore?

Several reasons.

These men and I either:

  • no longer have mutual friends
  • got new girlfriends who weren’t “spiritually enlightened and ego-aware” (i.e. they got jealous)
  • he got jealous of my new boyfriend
  • we lived far, far away from each other
  • we simply grew apart and there was no mutual benefit to continuing a friendship.

I’ve written about men and women and friendship exhaustively (and comedically) in my memoir (Me: A Rewrite) so I’ll simply offer a brief summary…

Here’s the rub (pun):

  1. Just because you’re not horny for each other now doesn’t mean that won’t change.
  2. Sharing personal feelings makes us feel vulnerable.
  3. Exchange of vulnerability is called intimacy.
  4. Intimacy creates bonds.
  5. Bonding can build attraction.
  6. Attraction often leads to sex.
  7. Men think about sex. A lot.
  8. Sex is awesome, possums!
  9. Sex with a friend is less awesome if we’re already in a relationship with someone else.
  10. Harry met Sally. They got it on.

Can Men and Women Be Friends After a Breakup #JustTheTip Takeaways:

  1. Most of the time there’s (acknowledged or unacknowledged) sexual tension between men and women who display similar hotness levels — you’re both a seven on the sexy scale — whether or not they’ve done the dirty already.
  2. Most couples have a need for boundaries around their partner’s relationships with the opposite sex.
  3. Boundaries are healthy. People have differing ideals about boundaries. Though statistics aren’t on your side if you’re more liberal-minded (lead thee not into temptation); right and wrong are highly subjective.
  4. For a healthy relationship, make sure you have a value-based agreement about boundaries with your lover or potential mate.
  5. Even though sexual tension surrounds us, a level of friendship between men and women is possible with respect, communication and understanding.

And sometimes, we have tough choices to make — the old pal or the new gal? — such is life.


xo AJ

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Anna Maria Jorgensen
♥Wingmam’s #JustTheTip Love Advice♥

www.wingmam.com Relationship and dating tips for men. Warning: traditional values, political incorrectness, swears & God references.