How To Avoid _ _ _ Holes!

Avoid Jerks? Yes, Please!

We’ve all been in a relationship with a jerk, whether it was a romantic relationship or a friendship, so this advice applies to anyone wanting to avoid not-so-good-for-us folks.

The 5 Simple Steps to Avoiding _ _ _ holes:

  1. Awareness: Know that we choose to begin or stay in unhealthy relationships gives us the power to make new choices.
  2. Acceptance: Accept our past choices without judgment — of self or of the other person.
  3. Accountability: Understand that we are responsible for our choices, even when we choose a jerk.
  4. Action: Consciously decide to walk a different path.
  5. Allowing: Trust that, with awareness, we’ll distinguish the kind person from the jerk. (This is the toughest step for most people.)

Simple steps aren’t always easy steps, but nothing changes if nothing changes. In other words, nothing changes if we don’t (change).

How to Avoid POTholes JustTheTip Takeaways:

  1. It’s totally up to us to stay or not to stay.
  2. We are not responsible for other people’s actions.
  3. We are responsible for our own choices.
What __ hole were you thinking of? ;)

If you’re interested in taking specific steps to re-write your (love) life, my WakeUP2Luv online study-in-your-pj’s programs give you the daily how-to’s to rewrite your lousy-love-choice programming, fall in love with yourself, and become the kind of person your ideal mate finds irresistible.

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Anna Maria Jorgensen
♥Wingmam’s #JustTheTip Love Advice♥ Relationship and dating tips for men. Warning: traditional values, political incorrectness, swears & God references.