A WINGS Exclusive Interview with Alhvi Balcarcel

Developing Illuminaria, Overcoming Challenges and Starting a Game Development Studio in Guatemala

WINGS Interactive
8 min readAug 15, 2022


WINGS had the opportunity to interview Alhvi Balcarcel, the co-founder and director of Guatemalan game studio, Selva Interactive. Their current project is Illuminaria, a strategy and resource management game where you take the role of a powerful A.I. and command a swarm of advanced robots to build, explore, and save the world from destruction.

Alhvi talks about her experience getting into and helping to grow the game industry in Guatemala, being a self-taught game developer, the design process behind Illuminaria, tips for other game developers, and so much more!

WINGS: Could you tell us a little about how you got into the games industry, and what if any industries you did prior to game dev?

Alhvi: I decided to study computer science in my teenage years as I wanted to be a hacker or make video games. In the beginning, I started working in the software and web development industries. But it was something that I disliked. I almost disregarded the idea of working in games, as when I was finishing college, there wasn’t a game development industry in Guatemala. My now partner convinced me that it would be possible to make our own games. So we learned how to do it on our own. We got some other good opportunities, as we got hired to create a Facebook game by one of the first game companies here in Guatemala. After that, we won 2nd place in an international indie development contest, and we got a monetary prize that allowed us to start our studio.

WINGS: Were there any special paths you took to get into making games, specifically if any special education programs or community events pushed you to make games?

Alhvi: As I mentioned, I studied Computer Science. Unfortunately, there weren’t specific courses for game development in my program at that time. Still, the background in programming and the knowledge of the computer internals helped me learn how to apply that knowledge to developing games. The rest I learned from the internet and by reading books. It is amazing how in the last 10 years, it has become easier and easier to learn how to make games on your own.

WINGS: What are some of the challenges and opportunities for game development in Guatemala, as compared to other parts of the world?

Alhvi: One of the biggest challenges is the fragility of the local game development industry as there are just a handful of companies making video games locally, all started by entrepreneurs. There is not a single AAA or well-established company. So it is more like a game development scene than an industry. Unfortunately, that limits the opportunities for people wanting to be game developers as there are no places to work locally.

The good thing is that now you can apply to jobs remotely in any part of the world, but the bad thing is that the talent is not quite there yet because of the previous lack of infrastructure and expertise.

Guatemala offers significant advantages as the cost of living here is low. The proximity to the USA makes it a great place to work remotely because of timezone similarities. We have a lot of talent that needs to be polished or transferred to the video game industry. So it would be great if some game companies could afford the cost of training and give opportunities to local developers.

WINGS: Your upcoming game, Illuminaria is very unique. Could you tell us about your inspiration for the game, and some of its unique selling points?

Alhvi: We got inspired by games like Frostpunk, Oxygen not included, Rimworld and Polytopia. Those are pretty different games but all in the strategy and management genres. We wanted to create a strategy game that is easy to learn and does not require a very long time commitment. Especially for people that used to enjoy strategy games when they were younger but now don’t have enough time to play them, or for people new to the genre that felt previously overwhelmed by everything you need to learn before playing similar games.

In Iluminaria, you control a swarm of intelligent robots. With a few simple interactions, you can order them around tell them what to build and what resources to produce. The game offers a gentle learning curve and an objective-driven and finite experience, contrasted to sandbox games.

WINGS: What have been some of the greatest challenges in making Illuminaria so far, and what solutions have you found to overcome them?

Alhvi: One of the biggest challenges was raising funds to make the game possible. Thanks to WINGS, we were able to take this game to completion and we are happy to be launching it now. Another big challenge has been marketing the game and getting it to the eyes of people that will enjoy it. As this is the biggest game we’ve made and only our second in Steam, we’re still learning how to market a game. There is a lot of competition in the games industry, so it is difficult for a small studio to get their game noticed.

WINGS: How did you assemble the team required to make Illuminaria, and how has the pandemic impacted your production/development plans?

Alhvi: We’re a team of three. My partner, Carlos, and I are both programmers. We started working on a prototype with art done by myself. When we got the funds from WINGS, we were able to hire an artist by an open call. We interviewed some candidates, and we hired Herber, who has been working with us remotely since then. Even though we live in nearby cities, we have never met in person.

The pandemic opened new opportunities for us, as we could attend events remotely. We could work from home without problems, and we were lucky enough to have everything we needed during these times. We were also fortunate not to get sick until recently. We did have to deal with unexpected situations and hardships, but we were able to overcome them, and we’re now happy to be releasing the game.

WINGS: Your game is also funded in part by WINGS — can you tell us how you discovered WINGS and what your experience in working with them has been like?

Alhvi: We found WINGS on Twitter. I was hesitant to apply as initially. I thought they funded games where women or gender-diverse people formed the whole team. But then I learned they support games where women or gender-diverse folks are in crucial positions. As in my case, I’m the co-founder and director of our studio. So I submitted our application, and I’m glad they agreed to support us.

Working with WINGS has been fantastic. The financial part has been very smooth. They’ve also assigned us a mentor who has helped us make some strategic decisions for the game’s development, connect with more people, and give us helpful advice and information. WINGS co-founders have also helped us connect with people in the industry and have given us valuable advice. It has also been great to access resources, information related to events and opportunities, join the workshops they prepare for us, and get to know the other developers in the WINGS community.

WINGS: This year you were named to the Game Awards Future Class; how did this impact your outlook/career as a game developer?

Alhvi: I’m now part of a new community where I’m making new connections, joining special events, and collaborating with other members of the class. I’m very thankful for the opportunities the Future Class has already opened for me. I had the opportunity to meet Sarah Bond, who is now one of my role models, and I’m thankful for what I’ve learned from talks with other important personalities in the industry. All this will benefit me and my community tremendously.

WINGS: You also work with GameDevGT and LatinxsInGaming; can you tell us about what you do with these communities and how it has influenced your path as a game dev?

Alhvi: I’m one of the co-founders of our local game development community in Guatemala, GameDevGT. As the gaming scene in Guatemala is still very small, there aren’t many events or opportunities for people that want to be game developers. So I help organize events, game jams, expos, and talks. LatinxInGaming is a nonprofit organization based in the US that creates opportunities for Latinx persons in the game development industry and promotes cultural appreciation and representation of Latinx culture in games. I collaborate as country-lead for Guatemala, and my task is to connect people in our local community with the opportunities provided by LatinxInGaming. The partnership between GameDevGT and LatinxInGaming has been very fruitful these past two years, as it has helped our community members to connect with people in the global industry.

WINGS: Do you feel the games industry is more receptive to women and gender-diverse people now as compared to when you began in the industry?

Alhvi: I had a very different experience coming from Guatemala and working only in small teams. I still feel like I’m starting to get into the actual industry, escaping the bubble where I was until recently. But even being from a different background, I could still feel the gender gap in technology. For example, in my class, when I started the computer science program, we were five women in a class of thirty. And I was the only female that graduated from that class. But now I feel like things are changing. There are several initiatives to empower women and gender-diverse folks. And I believe it should be like this as we need to balance the lack of opportunities we had in the past.

WINGS: What advice would you give a fellow game developer who aspires to be like you?

Alhvi: Be perseverant and be kind. Share everything you learn. Game development is a difficult path, you’ll probably try and fail several times before succeeding, but eventually, you’ll get better at it. Keep trying! Find a mentor and be a mentor to somebody else. Enjoy the ride :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions Alhvi!

Illuminaria is officially out now on PC! 🥳

Command a swarm of intelligent robots in their quest to save the world. Mine resources, manage, and defend multiple bases. Go on expeditions, fight in auto-battles, research new technologies, and create your army of golems to bring back the light. ✨🤖

Don’t forget to check out all of Selva Interactive’s socials!

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WINGS Interactive

WINGS is funding games by diverse teams, starting with games made by women and marginalised gender developers. Apply now at wingsfund.me!