6 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Web-Hosting Provider

Here goes a little post to give you 6 points of view on avoiding mistakes when choosing a web hosting provider

andrea almanza
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2023


Skipping the Research

As you begin to look into web hosting providers, it’s important to know that no company will offer you the perfect package on day one. Web-hosting providers have varying levels of service and support, and they may not have all the features and benefits that are important to you.

You’ll want to shop around with several different companies before making a decision. When comparing web hosting providers, ask them these questions:

  • How much do I get for my money? Is there anything extra I can add?
  • How long has this company been in business? Do they have experience in this industry? Are there any reviews or testimonials from past customers available online?
  • Does this provider offer 24/7 technical support by phone, email or live chat (or all three)? Can I contact someone at any hour if I run into problems while setting up my website?
  • When was their last major update/upgrade/security patch applied to their servers — and what kind of downtime did that cause for customers’ sites over those days/weeks leading up until now where everything is running smoothly again without any further issues taking place since then.”

Ignoring Reviews

When you are searching for a new web hosting company, don’t ignore reviews. Reviews can be helpful in determining whether or not a web host is good or bad. However, many people look at reviews and make decisions based on the first few sentences of any given review. This is dangerous because sometimes people will write their own reviews to make things seem better than they really are (or worse).

The best way to know if you want to use a certain web host is by reading multiple reviews from different sites. If someone says that their website was down every day at 3pm for two weeks straight, then it’s probably not worth going with them as your web host!

Focusing on Price Over Performance

Price. It’s important to factor in the cost of web hosting when choosing your provider, but you should not make it the primary consideration. In fact, price is usually a reflection of performance and reliability rather than an indicator of either alone. Some hosts may offer a low price and be very reliable — and others may offer a higher one and fail to deliver as promised. Look for a host that offers good value for money over time, rather than just being cheap upfront; if they don’t meet your needs or standards later on, you won’t want to stick with them anyway!

Selecting a Host Without the Right Support

Here’s a pro tip: Anyone who is new to the industry and has no idea what they’re doing, or anyone who is a beginner will have trouble finding the right host.

When you are new, you need support from your host in order to learn about their services and how they work best for your company. This way, when you’re ready to start working on something big like an app or sales page, all of those questions can be answered before getting started.

Skimping on Scalability

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a web host is whether or not they can scale with your website as it grows. A scalable solution will allow you to grow your site without worrying about whether or not it will continue to function properly if things get busy.

Scalability is an important consideration for any business, large or small, since most businesses plan on expanding over time. This could mean adding new features that require additional server resources or adding more users who need access to shared content and applications. For example, if you use a traditional hosting provider (where each server is dedicated), upgrading from one server to two servers may result in downtime while the migration completes itself — a problem that wouldn’t occur with cloud-based hosting providers because their servers are virtualized rather than physical machines dedicated exclusively for each customer’s use.*


The web hosting industry is full of options, but it can be challenging to make an informed decision. To find the best web-hosting provider for your needs, do your research and consider a trial offer.

