How can I improve my core web vitals?

andrea almanza
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2023

Core Web Vitals are a set of important metrics that measure the user experience on a web page. These metrics include load time, interactivity and visual stability. In this article, we will discuss how to improve Core Web Vitals to improve the user experience on your website.

Improve load time

Load time is an important Core Web Vitals metric that measures how long it takes for a page to load completely. To improve load time, you can do the following:

Optimize images: make sure images are in the right format and have been properly compressed to reduce file size.
Minimize the code: reduce the size of CSS and JavaScript files and compress the code so that it loads faster.
Use a CDN: a CDN (Content Delivery Network) can help speed up the loading of your website by storing copies of your content on servers around the world.

Improve interactivity

Interactivity refers to the ability of a page to respond quickly to user actions. To improve interactivity, you can do the following:

Minimize resource blocking: ensure that your website resources, such as JavaScript and CSS, do not block the loading of other resources.
Optimize server response time: make sure your server responds quickly to user requests.
Use pre-rendering: pre-rendering can help reduce server response time by rendering some parts of the page in advance.

Improve visual stability

Visual stability measures how much the position of elements on a page changes as it loads. To improve visual stability, you can do the following:

Avoid late loading of resources: make sure that resources, such as images and videos, are loaded as early as possible to avoid changes in the position of elements.
Use fixed dimensions: specify the exact dimensions of images and videos so that browsers can reserve adequate space for them while they load.
Avoid inserting third-party elements: avoid inserting advertisements and other third-party elements that may cause changes in the position of elements.

In conclusion, improving Core Web Vitals can significantly improve the user experience on your website. By optimizing load time, interactivity and visual stability, you can ensure that users enjoy a smooth and fast experience on your website.

