The 10 Commandments of a Great Company

Alexis Corredor
Published in
5 min readJan 20, 2023

Dive into the importance of clear communication, strong leadership, and ethical values in building a thriving business.


As a business owner, you need to follow some good rules. Most of these rules are common sense and are things that any entrepreneur should know about running a successful company. The following 10 commandments will help you become an effective leader who runs a successful business.

The 10 commandments
The ten commandments

1. Thou shall take care of your people so they can take care of your customers.

Ensuring that your employees are happy and healthy is the first step in ensuring that customers will keep coming back. Take care of your people so they can take care of your customers.

It is important to have a great product/service, but more important thatn that is to have a team behind it who believes in what you’re doing. Make sure everyone feels invested in the mission and knows what’s at stake for them personally. If employees feel valued and respected, they’ll be more motivated to provide better service to clients while also having fun doing it!

  • Give them opportunities to grow and learn — and pay attention when someone tells you they want one!
  • Be open to ideas from any source — your customers included!

2. Thou shall have open, honest and transparent communication with customers, employees, suppliers, lenders and the public in general.

Communication is key to business success. It can help you keep your customers happy, make sure employees are happy and keep your suppliers, lenders and the public in general happy.

A business without open, honest and transparent communication is bound to fail. Any company that refuses to communicate openly with its employees or customers will eventually be found out by them — and when this happens it’s not going to be pretty!

3. Thou shall not stop developing yourself personally and professionally.

It’s important to always be looking to improve your skills, no matter how good you are at what you do. Learn new things, take on new challenges and never stop learning. You will only get better doing this! Don’t forget that you are also an expert in your field with a lot of knowledge that others may need or want to learn from you — so don’t keep it all for yourself (unless of course it’s a secret recipe or something).

4. Thou shall not make promises that you can’t keep.

It’s easy to get carried away in the excitement of a new product, service or business idea and promise everything under the sun. The problem is, it’s hard work fulfilling those promises. You need to be realistic about what you can deliver and ensure your customers are getting what they paid for. If you don’t think you can deliver on your promises then don’t make them in the first place!

5. Thou shall not be afraid to make a mistake.

Mistakes are opportunities for growth! So instead of beating yourself up over making one or two mistakes along the way (like everyone else), take it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and what exactly went wrong so that next time around when something like this happens again (and trust me it will), hopefully by then we’ll have learned enough so our reactions won’t be so drastic anymore because now we’ve got experience under our belt

6. Thou shall build trust.

Trust is a two-way street. You can’t expect to build trust with your customers if you don’t practice it in your own business. Customers are more likely to be loyal to businesses they trust, and you want that because it will lead to more sales and referrals. Trust is earned through reliability, consistency over time and honesty/integrity. It also takes transparency (being open about your business practices), respect (having empathy for others) and communication (listening).

7. Thou shall never give up on innovation.

Innovation isn’t just about creating a new product or service. It’s also about looking at how you do things in your business and finding ways to make them better. You can do that by focusing on the customer experience, improving your marketing strategy (such as with email marketing), building better relationships with suppliers/vendors and re-evaluating how you handle customer complaints.

8. Thou shall leave ego out of business decisions.

The biggest mistake made by entrepreneurs is that they let their egos get in the way of business decisions.

You don’t have to be perfect! If you’re not, there’s no shame in saying so or admitting a mistake. It’s better to admit your mistakes than make up excuses for them later on. What’s more, having an open and honest approach will help your employees trust you more and respect the company’s culture. They’ll also know that honesty is valued within the company — a critical factor for attracting new talent!

9. Thou shall put the customer first in running the business.

The customer is still the most important part of any business. They are the ones who give you money and they can take it away just as quickly. The customer should be treated with respect, listened to, and given what they want as long as it doesn’t conflict with any other commandments.

If a customer walks into your store or restaurant looking for something specific, don’t try selling them anything else. If they want steak, don’t offer them chicken or fish instead (even if those things might be better). You have to provide customers with what they’re asking for in order for them to continue doing business with you.

10. Thou shall constantly look for opportunities to grow your business.

If there’s one thing we can agree on as entrepreneurs is how quickly things change in this industry. The world around us evolves rapidly each day so we need to be ready when the time comes — otherwise our business will suffer! Take advantage of every opportunity that comes along because they might not come back again very soon! And remember: if an opportunity doesn’t feel right then just move on…

You should treat everyone as you would like to be treated.

  • Be honest
  • Be fair
  • Be respectful
  • Be kind
  • Be generous
  • Be grateful
  • Be humble
  • Patient and thoughtful


So, what is the takeaway from all this? What should you do as a business owner? Well, it’s simple: treat other people with respect and kindness. And make sure your employees feel valued so they can give their best work to your customers! When everyone is happy and productive, there will be no limit to how far your business can go.

We at WinkHosting have been in the web hosting business for nearly 20 years. We believe that helping small businesses succeed is crucial for our society and economy as a whole. That’s why we run a company where everyone is treated with kindness, respect, and generosity. If you’d like to learn more about our services or sign up today, visit us at



Alexis Corredor
Writer for

CEO y Cofounder de @WinkHosting, padre y esposo dedicado